Politics In My Country (Nigeria)

in Hive Learners6 months ago

Politics In My Country (Nigeria)

Hello everyone, I welcome you all to my blog.


Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu
I've seen how people that are obsessed about politics behave and never for once have I ever wanted to join politics. I won't say politics is bad because lately I began to understand some crucial importance of politics. Apart from changing ones financial status and popularity, politics is very important because it creates avenue for one to change allot of things that needs to be changed in the political system.

Politics is a power sector that decides what will affect the people in a jurisdiction, this is where politics is very important. If the bad government rules, the people suffer and if a good person ascends the throne the people will smile. Politics creates opportunities where decisions that will enhance the betterment of a place are made, these reasons among others made politics an important exercise to consider.

Do I Want To Join Politics

Looking at those crucial reasons to consider joining politics, I still don't find myself doing more than casting my vote during elections because the downside of politics specially in my country (Nigeria) is kind of huge and complex. Politics isn't for sincere people any longer and even if I pick the courage to maybe want to make changes in my own era, I know of plenty good people that have done that and still yet they are still battling. I think the best thing I can do is to render my support to anyone that I think fits the position. I can influence people to vote for the right people but it will be difficult for me to become the right person to be voted for, reason been that we've got allot of right people fighting to be there already, therefore I think they just need a support system from the people.

The complexity of politics in my jurisdiction has made me to abstain from wanting to contest for any political office. Politics requires allot of time, money, energy, and endurance, I can't imagine spending allot of money and still yet not making it in the elections. I hate to put myself in conditions where I will lost my peace because I'm expecting something to fall to my favor and if it doesn't I will wait for the next four years to try again with my money and energy again. The little strength I have I want to use it to handle the stubborn aspect of children when I finally procreate, I don't want to to get HBP before my time, allot of things have bothered me already and I really don't want to add more for myself.


Photo by August de Richelieu
Another factor that scares me away from politics is the series of mindsets that are involved in the political system of my country, if you are the type of person that wants to stand for the truth and do the right thing they'll automatically place you in their hate-list because they would not want anyone that will temper with their plans in the government. This means that one needs to extra-watch-out for the unexpected because they'll by all means want to do anything to protect their selfish plans and desires. Politics has turned out to be a risky game to play because of the lots of enemies.

It's very difficult not to get enemy as a politician, infact being a politician in Nigeria has placed your opponents automatic enemies to you. You can't live freely like any other person on the street, you need securities to and fro wherever you're going. These are automatic turn off for me when it comes to being a politician. So I have agreed with my spirit to serve as a support system for whoever that fits in the position, I can do the best of my capacity but will never go out of my boundaries for politics because of the dangers involved.

Thank you for reading through my entry for Hive Learners weekly events for Week 99 edition 1.

 6 months ago  

No truth at all in Nigeria politics, all is full of deceit and greediness. I can never be a part of it, over my life body🤣🤣

 5 months ago  

hahah.. sha it's a choice something, others find it interesting even as such🙂

 6 months ago  

Politics is not dirty, these people are dirty who are not doing politics properly.

 5 months ago  

Yess very true...
The corrupt people made politics look as if it's bad but it is actually the right of every citizen of the country...

 6 months ago  

I also have a dream here that one day I can join politics in the same way and do something for my city because I know that people here do not get two meals a day and they spend their lives in trouble. If we are going to be in politics, then we must help these people.

 5 months ago  

in as much as it isn't easy, it is still achievable. I pray and hope your wishes should come to pass since you have good thoughts over the people...

 5 months ago  


 6 months ago  

I think we are on the same boat on this, it's not for sincere people, but for people who can lie, manipulate and do all sort of bad things to be there, politics is something I can never do because I don't have the strength.

 5 months ago  

Politics has allot of drama that I'm not ready for sincerely. We just hope it gets better with our nation🙏🙏

Great piece. An interesting topic every youth of my country is always looking forward to writing or reading about. We are just tired of things not going the way it supposed to.

 5 months ago  

Yesss... Of the truth things aren't going well and day by day it looks like it's becoming worserr and worser, we pray a miracle happens to Nija..🙏🙏

Yay! 🤗
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