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RE: A Rewarder Of Them That Diligently Seek it.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Oh, God! @josediccus I taught you wanted to teach or preach the word of God. When I saw the passage, I had to open and read. Reading, it didn't contain biblical content until you brought the woman in picture. So, sorry for wasting your time and at the end she ran.
She is not the only one, who have ran away from hive, because what they have in mind doesn't align with. If actually she deligently seek it she would have found what she wanted or probably solve other part her life, business.

Thank you for this piece

 2 years ago  

One way or another, I used that definitive bible verse to actually emphasize the fact that diligence brings a lot of rewards, so sometimes it's one aspect of content creating. The ability to switch things up and make it more exciting.
Thank you for reading, as for that lady, there will always be disappointments in life.