in Hive Learners3 months ago

My love for my family and friends has made me do a lot of things to ensure their happiness and fulfillment. I am an easygoing person always striving to make sure no one feels sad or in need around without helping out, a trait I inherited from my mom. I help out without expecting anything in return, although some take advantage of my kindness. Nevertheless, I continue to do what I do best.

I love paying attention to what people say, I am a good listener and try to assist in any way I can. During my University days, particularly my final year when I stayed in a school hostel for some reason. It was the best time of my school year because of the wonderful roommates I had. Although they could be annoying sometimes I couldn't help but love them.

A roommate of mine, who is from the same tribe, also loves to annoy me. She always finds ways to get my attention in the room by teasing me with her bunkmate( we play a lot). She's a second-year medicine student and very diligent with her studies and intelligent. When I saw the books she was studying, I knelt and thanked God I wasn't offered admission into medicine, I wouldn't have been able to cope. The pressure is just too high, kudos to all medical students.


One morning, she woke up to heartbreaking news in her class group chat about having an upcoming test just two weeks away, with lots of topics to cover. I had seen her studying, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem until she showed me how much she still had to cover. I was worried about how she would cope, she became restless and tense because the test was so significant.

She started worrying about how she would be able to carry out her daily tasks, focusing solely on studying without cooking. The words were so strange coming out of the mouth of a girl who loves cooking. Throughout the day I didn't see her do anything she was just reading, I was worried so I decided to cook extra for her to eat.

She was so happy and kept on praising me, we share food sometimes, but you see this particular one is just special because she wasn't expecting it. I continued to cook for her and then my other roommates joined in. It was heartwarming to see us come together to help her during her hard times. Despite not having enough I still went ahead to help because I believe she would do the same for me.

After her test, she came to thank us for our assistance. She always made references and teased my other roommate that I was the only one who loved her and cared for her even though other roommates did too.
A little act of kindness can help boost morale and also make people around us happy. When we are in a position to help we shouldn't hesitate but but offer whatever assistance we can.

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 3 months ago  

It is good to help and never expect in return as that is the greatest thing you could do to someone. I have that trait too as I love helping when I can. Even though some take us for granted, still, it doesn't stop us from doing the right thing.

Kudos to all medical students because they are trying hard. You actually did something amazing for her. Cooking while she focused solely on studying was a great thing. That is a great kindness and this thing never go unnoticed because God knows how to repay one for such act.

 3 months ago  

It's great helping when you can and not expecting anything in return. Thank you so much for visiting my blog♥️