Another day another phobia

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Few years ago, if someone had told me that agoraphobia was a thing, I probably would have laughed at their faces but here I am today, feeling like I've got the goddamn thing and I really don't know what to do about it.

Photo by Vadim Bogulov

Today was one of those few days where I had woken up earlier than usual but immediately regretted it. I had woken up some few minutes past seven this morning and about ten minutes later, my phone rang. It was a call from my little brother who currently is staying with my aunt, the same aunt who has been asking me to come visit her for ages.

When I saw his call, I was a little bit surprised and concerned because he usually doesn't call that early. My interest got piqued when I answered the call and he asked me to call him back which I did. It turned out that another of my aunt was in town (in the house of the other aunt who has been asking me to visit) and she was the one who wanted to speak to me.

The call was a short one because all she did was ask me to come over to her sister's place because she wanted to talk to me face to face, which I agreed to.. Besides, it wasn't like I could say no, because the last thing I wanted was her going to the family's WhatsApp group to complain about me refusing to visit her and everyone being on my case and asking me why I've always preferred to be a one man army and all of that.

But you see, accepting to visit her was one thing, actually visiting her was another thing because I'm the kind of guy who rarely leaves home and always prefer to be at my comfort zone. I've known this for a while, I've even made a post about it, but what I didn't know was how leaving my house has slowly turned into a phobia for me.

It's currently 11:40pm as I write this and all I've done all day is mentally kick myself in the head for accepting to visit when I easily could have come up with an excuse not to leave my house. Unfortunately for me, it's too late to give any excuses now as that would result to me getting reported to my dad which to me is another phobia on its own.

I guess at the end of the day, the question that I have to ask myself is which phobia do I fear the most, that of going outside or that of my dad.

 2 months ago  

I think the one for your Dad trumps all.
The thought of getting reported to your dad is enough for you to motivate yourself to fulfill your promise.

 2 months ago  

You just might be right 😂

 2 months ago  

I think you are reasonable for the phobia. You mind stuck in your room. I think you need to come out from the phobia and I hope it's not so difficult if you determined.

 2 months ago  

I agree with you.. It's all my fault and I really don't know if I'm ready to overcome it yet because it's really comfortable in here.

 2 months ago  

u have agoraphobia? didn't you just go nightlife few days ago lol what happened

 2 months ago (edited) 

Not exactly agoraphobia.. That was just the closest name I could think of... I fear going out alone.

But I do well when accompanied by friends and not be the center of attraction. That is, when going out with friends, I prefer to follow and not lead.

 2 months ago  

oh ok but u going out to spend time with your family isn't alone as well?

 2 months ago  

The journey there, is. I will be leaving home alone.

 2 months ago  

weird tho that u have to go alone to visit your family member. And is she not able to zoom?

 2 months ago  

I stay alone too. And my aunt is old school, it's a miracle she uses WhatsApp... She prefer face to face communication.

 last month  

oh that makes sense. then i guess better just stay home until some people go with u next time