Continuous Writer

in Hive Learners2 years ago


One problem a lot of people have on Hive is what they will write about. Everyone I have ever brought on Hive that eventually left always had that one problem in common. Coming up with content consistently is never an easy task especially if you want to maintain a certain form of quality on your blog and that is very understandable.

Unfortunately, what many of us don’t realize is that our life itself is content. It’s okay to not have a niche and blog about whatever it is that is happening in the moment.

Some few months back, I used to find it really difficult to make four posts a week. Back then I remember sometimes I would hit my hand on my head repeatedly while telling myself to think of something, anything at all to write about. The problem was that during that time, I only wrote fictional stories and felt that was the only thing I could write about, so if it wasn’t fiction, it wasn’t for me.

But there wasn’t anyway anyone would be able to write original fictional stories seven times a week unless you end up copying some other authors work online and that was the last thing I wanted. I didn’t want anything bringing a downvote on my blog so I tried and struggled to keep my content original.

Then one evening, while I was brainstorming on what to write, I stumbled on one of Galenkp’s blog. I think it was a blog that talked about lunch he had with his wife. The blog looked so simple and stress-free and yet so rich in content that I asked myself why couldn’t I write something like that? Nigeria has a lot of drama already, why can’t I pick one from it everyday and just make a really good content out of it.

I think it’s safe to say that that was the day a new form of blogging came to light for me. I started writing about things that has happened to me in the past and things happening in the country and I’ve been writing ever since, everyday, one blog at a time.

So what I’m trying to say is that it’s good to have a niche but there’s absolutely nothing wrong in trying something new. Like I said, our life is content, you can tell it whatever way you want but that’s only if you’re comfortable talking about yourself, if you’re not, it’s also fine.

Just do what works for you.

 2 years ago  

You saying the right thing, sometimes you just have to express yourself in different ways, thank you for reminding us.

 2 years ago  

You’re welcome.

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 2 years ago  

It sounds like someone is telling me of my problems and dilemmas. Hehe.

There was a time I used to discard ideas one after the other thinking that the topics weren't good enough for writing. When I started writing for we are alive tribe, I realized my ordinary life has abundance of content in it. I can literally write on everything happening around. Now I have more topics than time to write them.

 2 years ago  

Exactly my point.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

why can’t I pick one from it every day and just make really good content out of it.

This is what has been helping me to be a consistent writer since February, and I've been loving every of it funny enough I don't feel exhausted.

What also has been helping is joining community contests and challenge.
Sometimes it's not all about the reward, just being able to bring out something good.

 2 years ago  

True. Being able to talk about yourself and your thoughts freely is fun too.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, it's fun.
I glad to have discovered that.