Dress the way you want to be addressed

in Hive Learners25 days ago

Some few days ago, I was thinking about an article that I had randomly read a while back about a man who recently became a priest overseas even though he had dreadlocks on. What triggered that thought was this video of a Nigerian pastor who I had seen on tiktok preaching to his congregation, this pastor had accessories on (what most would call bling) and also had dreadlocks.

For some reason his appearance didn't sit well with me and this is because I believe that certain profession or jobs should have a certain dress code to it. Watching a man of God putting on all those flashy stuff while standing on the pulpit, preaching to people is like watching a lawyer appear in court with ripped baggy jeans, sagging down below his waist, a big shirt and a face cap on, getting ready to defend his client.

No judge would let that happen and I doubt his client would want to keep him after seeing all that. Unfortunately, these new generation pastors who like to act woke gets to dress the way they want because there isn't any direct repercussion for their actions. There's no one there to caution them, so they get to do what they want.

Photo by Ben Rosett

Anyways, as for today's contest topic, do I think physical appearance should be taken into consideration when going for job interviews? Well I don't even have to think hard for this one because my answer is yes and my reason for saying that is because I'm a strong believer to the saying "Dress the way want to be addressed".

And for someone living in a country like this where you literally could be arrested and thrown in jail just because one man in uniform feels that you look like a criminal just because of the outfit you have on, dressing and looking responsible has always been at the top of my list.

Many times I've had encounters with law enforcement officers where they pick people standing right next to me but never me just because I make sure to keep a clean low haircut, I don't sag my shorts, have no tattoos on my body and also have a very good innocent looking face, that is me being addressed the way I dress.

So yeah, to me, physical appearances matters a lot, obviously you need to have the skills too in order to be able to get the job done depending on whatever job you're being interviewed for, but you also have to look the part. If it's a job that requires you putting on suits, then please put on suits, smell nice and just look good.

Dress based on the job requirement. If you're applying for a job in an office where everyone has suits on, then that's what you will wear and if you're applying for a job, maybe at a mechanic shop, then you don't need a suit... Dress appropriately, it's as simple as that and really shouldn't even be debated.

 24 days ago  

My dear it shouldn't be debated. People through their dressing has caused themselves to lose an offer even with a good skill because their appearance alone already speaks negative of them, and so, no opportunity for them to prove what they are capable of offering to the company..
My girlfriend is a typical example. She was so desperate to get a job one time , a front desk officer for that matter. On the day of her interview, this girl dressed to seduce. She jokingly told me before hand saying when the CEO OF THE company sees her looking hot, he wouldn't have any other choice than to employ her . I remember telling her not to try such but dress officially to the interview. According to her, the man didn't even interview her, but later invited her in a hotel over the weekend. Can you imagine?
This is a girl so good with computer and could do the work but she lost it due to her indecent dressing to the interview. Same thing applicable to anyone dressing so casually thinking that only your skills is what matters the most..

Oh boy..I have said a lot
Sorry prayzz 😃😃😃

 24 days ago  

When I first saw your comment, the first thing I said was "ahh" due to how long it was 😂😂😂

But I'm happy I read all of it. Your friend didn't dress for a job, she dressed to seduce and got the results seduction brings.. She was addressed the way she had dressed.