Everyday for the thief...

in Hive Learnerslast month

Earlier today, one of the boys was talking about how he had asked someone to help him get petrol from the filling station and how he found out later on that that person had gotten a lesser amount of fuel and hid the remaining money. According to him, he only found out the next day when he went to get the same amount of petrol himself and that was when he saw the difference. Of course he couldn't confront the guy who stole from him about it because he has no proof, it was going to be his word against the other guy.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel

The whole event reminded me about something similar that happened some years back when I still was an apprentice to my boss who was a barber. He (my boss) had two of us, myself and another guy who was my friend at the time, and whenever my boss wanted to send one of us to go get petrol, the other guy would always volunteer, which was a surprise to me because that was probably the first time I've seen anyone get that excited to go on an errand.

But then, I always felt that he always volunteered because that was his only opportunity to actually leave the shop for some few minutes and see other places while on his way to get petrol. But then something happened one day that finally exposed his reasons for always wanting to go get petrol, his day of reckoning I call it.

On that particular day, he had gone to get petrol but returned about an hour later, his face filled with fear. He had returned with an empty gallon because the filling station around were on strike and we had no idea, but that wasn't the reason for his fear. The reason for that was because on his way to go get the petrol, he had used part of the money to get some snacks for himself, hoping that he would get the petrol and my boss won't be able to tell what he had done. But now that he didn't get any petrol, he had to return the full money, money he no longer had.

That was when the truth came out and we realized that is what he has been doing all this while, his reason for always wanting to go get petrol was so that he could steal from my boss. Whenever I think of the punishment that young man got that day for that act, I feel so bad for him. I probably would have paid the debt for him if I had any cash on me then.

Although we all can agree that he was a dumb thief because if he had any sense, he would have gotten the petrol first before the snacks, but I guess it was just his time to get caught because that's how these things happen, a silly mistake is all it takes. Well, I guess that's why they say everyday for the thief, one day for the owner.

 last month  

welp what a noob getting caught like that

 26 days ago  

Yeah right 😅

 25 days ago  

hhaa ya he got rekt man

 last month  

Somehow, thief make some mistakes and get caught. I think that thief somehow became dumb that day. He could say that, he didn't get petrol and because of his hungerness he eat some snacks on the way. So his past activity of stealing would not be exposed.

 26 days ago  

True, he could have lied.. But I guess he couldn't due to how scared he was.