First Love

in Hive Learners2 years ago


After reading through a lot of entries for the “For Love” contest, I couldn’t help but recall about my high school crush who most definitely would have been my girlfriend at one point in my life if we had both been a little bit older.

We met during my JSS2. Our class teacher then had made both of us seat partners. And at first, we were just friends and there wasn’t any extra feelings attached but as time went on, the younger me started developing some new weird kind of feeling for this female specie. I would remember us walking home together everyday, though I never really got to her house because for some reason she believed that my obituary poster would be up the next morning if her father saw me walking her home. So whenever I did, I will stop at a distance and wave her goodbye before continuing my own journey home.

Now that I think of it, I think I was in love then but couldn’t tell because I still was very young so all what my little mind knew back then was that I really liked my seat partner.

Unfortunately, after writing our Junior Waec examination, my dad decided I had to go learn the repairs of electronics for about a year before returning back to school. We both didn’t have a phone back then so when I left, I left with no means to contact her.

After a year of training, I returned back to school only to find out that she too had left and according to her friends, she didn’t just leave the school, she left the state to go complete her schooling back at her hometown and that broke my young heart.

The girl who would have been my first ever girlfriend had left without any hopes of her coming back. I remember feeling heart broken for like two minutes before moving on because life goes on.

Doesn’t it?

 2 years ago  

Yes oo.

for some reason she believed that my obituary poster would be up the next morning if her father saw me walking her home

Hahaha 😂😂🤣🤣, I just can't stop laughing, guy you're funny, ah!😅.

 2 years ago  

Lol… Thanks man. 😅

 2 years ago  

Yeah, my comedian 🤣🤣, your welcome.

 2 years ago  

The girl who would have been my first ever girlfriend had left without any > hopes of her coming back. I remember feeling heart broken for like two minutes before moving on because life goes on.

Have you met your first love now or have you found another love?😀

 2 years ago  

It would never have happened if the two of you had phone

sad 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭

 2 years ago  

Yeah. If we had a means to communicate, we probably would have dated.

 2 years ago  

never really got to her house because for some reason she believed that my obituary poster would be up the next morning if her father saw me walking her home.

This part got me
Of course girls like that always have strict dad.

If you had access to phone then maybe you guys would not have missed each other that way

 2 years ago  

Yeah, maybe.