Fun and Cruise

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)


I may be wrong but there’s something about teenage love that makes me feel it shouldn’t be taken seriously. Like it’s just for fun and cruise and nothing more. And trust me, sometimes I feel I’m wrong because there have been people who fell in love with each other when they were young and stayed together till they got married but then again, there are some people that I see who claim to be in a relationship but are obviously just there to get what they can get and then move to the next person.

There’s this guy who stays in the same hostel with me. He came into my room and starting telling me a story of how he was currently in a huge cheating problem.

According to him, he has two girlfriends. One was at home where he lives and she visits occasionally while one was here in school with him. He had broken up with the one in school about a week ago after he realized that she was moving around with way too many guys. So basically he broke up with her for cheating when he himself was cheating on someone else with her.

A week after the break up, his real girlfriend decided she wanted to pay him a visit to which he agreed. She came around and had planned to stay for three days but on the second day of her visit, something happened. He had gone with us to go play football inside the school’s field and when he got back, he saw both his ex girlfriend (the one he broke up with a week ago) and his real girlfriend talking.

His ex left the room the moment he entered. She had told his real girlfriend that she came to collect her “stuff” and that was what began the whole conversation. The real girlfriend wanted to know why another lady’s stuff was at her man’s place and the ex was more than happy to tell her why.

By the end of the day, the real girlfriend was already threatening to left his place very early the next morning. He pleaded with her and yet her mind was made up and that was when he decided to come to my room to relax, his was too hot for him.

Three days later I saw him and asked him how the whole thing ended and with a smile on his face, he told me that she has forgiven him and that they were both back together. I was surprised but happy for him. I asked him about his ex and he said he was never going to have anything to do with her again, obviously he had learned his lesson.

Yesterday, about a month after this whole incident, I just saw him with his ex being all cozy and romantic. This was the man that swore to me never to even breathe the same air as her. The lady too surprises me, she literally saw his real girlfriend and yet she’s back in his arms, playing the role of the main girlfriend (that is until the real girlfriend decides to visit again lol.)

It’s things like this that makes me wonder if there’s anything more to this teenage love if not just for the fun of it.

 3 years ago  

Everybody just want to cruise and cruise
Probably just get to an age where you feel it's time to settle

 3 years ago  

Yup..Maybe not everybody, but most of them.

 3 years ago  

I've been in that same situation myslef, and it wasn't funny too. Although I never ended with any of them

 3 years ago  

We all moved on at a certain stage, after me knowing I was just fooling around.

 3 years ago  

It happens. 😅

 3 years ago  

Lol😂😂 I can't just stop laughing here.

Well, most teenage relationships don't have a proper definition so abusing it is inevitable.

Most of them are as a result of peer pressure and wrong exposure. We have misused the word "love" for pleasures and fun.

Awesome story, man. Much love😍

 3 years ago  

Yeah that’s true, we definitely misused the word “love” a lot of times.

As always, thanks for reading.

 3 years ago  

Cheers man🥂

 3 years ago  

True.. very true.