I Think I’m Not a Good Person

in Hive Learners2 years ago


I randomly just remembered those days when my dad would give my mom some money to go to the grocery store to go buy some foodstuff so that she can cook and take the food to some beggars down the street. I went with her sometimes and trust me it wasn’t an easy task. The moment they notice you’re with food, they will come at you and try to snatch it away from you but somehow mother always knew the right tone of voice to use to let them know that they would be in big trouble if they tried any of that with her.

I asked myself if I would be able to do the same thing, cook and go give it to them and I came up with an answer, no. And this isn’t because I don’t have a good heart like my parents or I can’t use the “mummy tone” to keep them at bay and make sure they don’t stampede me to death, but this is because I’ve heard a lot of stories of bad things happening to people who give things to roadside beggars.

Whether we believe it or not, Nigeria is a country where a lot of spiritual supernatural stuff happens. I haven’t seen any with my own eyes just yet but I think it will be foolish of me to ignore all of the stories I’ve heard and only choose to believe when it happens to me directly. They say a wise man doesn’t learn from his own mistakes, he learns from other peoples mistakes.

Don’t get me wrong, there are probably a lot of “legit” beggars out there but the question is if I’m willing to take any chances. Some of you might be saying my mom did it a lot and nothing happened to her but you guys forget that some people have special luck and I doubt I’m one of them because why does every crypto I buy go down right after I buy them?

So you see, with all of this combined, the urge to want to go out and give to beggars gets lower and lower by the day because I’m scared of disappearing or whatever it is they say happens the moment you hand over something to a beggar.

I might be a little bit superstitious but if there’s a possibility of it saving my life then no problem.

 2 years ago  
why does every crypto I buy go down right after I buy them?

You will not disappear 😀😀😀

Oh my God I can't stop laughing 😀

@prayzz I perfectly understand you, you know here in Nigeria alot of things has gone wrong,even healthy people disguise themselves and claim seriously sick just to receive help, some has great power that can make you disappear as you said 😀😀. These has made it difficult for people to extend a helping hand but not withstanding, you can choose to help anyone you know he or she is in need around you Instead of giving to the beggers like your parents to avoid stories that touches.

You can fear😀😀🤩

 2 years ago  

Lol. I’m still a young man with lots of potentials, I don’t want my kindness putting me in trouble please. 😅

The idea about helping people around me is a good one and I do that already, I was just thinking about the beggars on the street.

Thanks for reading by the way.

 2 years ago  
 Lol. I’m still a young man with lots of potentials, I don’t want my kindness putting me in trouble please. 😅

I can relate 🤩

 2 years ago  

I perfectly understand your situation @prayzz

I also understand that there is a fine line between caution and fear.

Caution is the product of fear, it is that calculated response you give based on facts, or notions you believe to be true.

On the other hand, fear is purely emotional. It is the immediate reaction to perceived danger or threat.

In fear, it is difficult if not impossible to make complex critical decisions based on calculations made on the spot. Decisions made based on fear are always instantaneous without prior thought.

Over time, that can grow into a disposition, a character or a slant that a man has towards a certain thing such that he would react in a way without having any explanation for his actions.

@prayzz In brevity, I am trying to say...

If you decide not to give, let it not be because of fear alone, but because your fear has hatched caution.

 2 years ago  

Wow! That was a lot to read 😅 but I do understand what you’re saying.

The problem is I don’t even know if it’s fear or caution..Maybe it’s a little of both.

 2 years ago  

The problem is I don’t even know if it’s fear or caution

The best way to find out is by doing this one exercise.

It is so simple yet powerful.

When I saw how powerful it was, I employed it to change my slant.

Here it is...

The next time you pass by a beggar on the street, and you are going to pass without giving anything to him, ask yourself this question...

Why am I doing what I am doing? What do I feel now when I think of giving to this beggar?

the answer usually comes in less than a micro second.

 2 years ago  

Lol. Okay.

 2 years ago  

That's true, you have to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

If you want to show any act of kindness then there are many people around you who are not in the streets but are in need of your help, why not help them instead of going to the streets?

Is not advisable to help those on the street directly, you can look for a way to make life more easier for them.

I love your truthfulness, it's appreciated.

 2 years ago  
     I’ve heard a lot of stories of bad things happening to people who give things to roadside beggars.

I can testify to this, it happened to a lady I know and she lost herself for months even her account was drained and many other things that followed
But I thank God for her life today

I for one I use to give to these beggars but I've stopped too, reasons best known to me

       why does every crypto I buy go down right after I buy them?

Brother that is seriously not your making 😂😂, I bought Wakanda coin and it dropped from 0.0009 to 0.0002 and I lost
Even BTTC I bought an it went from 1.45 to 0.001 currently

Your post is so hilarious it got me really laughing hard thanks anyway
I'll love to see more, let's connect if okay by you 😇😇

 2 years ago  

I can testify to this, it happened to a lady I know and she lost herself for months even her account was drained and many other things that followed
But I thank God for her life today

You see, it’s stories like this that creeps me out.

bought Wakanda coin and it dropped from 0.0009 to 0.0002

Lol. I don’t even want to think about the wakanda I bought.. that’s a story for another day.

 2 years ago  

😂😂 God wee see us through brov
I strongly believe it will RISE ✊

 2 years ago  

You are right though I have this mindset too.
I like taking precautions too
Sometimes I want to and when I think of the bad things have heard I stop
But whenever my mind just keep telling me to go ahead I don't doubt i just give and so far it has never work against me.

 2 years ago  

Yeah.. Nothing’s wrong in being careful.