I'm Making Plans

in Hive Learners8 months ago

If you've read any of my blogs talking about the ember months, you'd know that I'm not really a huge fan of it, so I never really make any plans for it. I just live each day as it comes while trying my possible best to survive and be positive.

But unlike the other years, I have had a change of mind this year and plan on spending this holiday having as much fun as I possibly can and I believe that one of the reasons for this change of heart is because I recently graduated from the university. And the fact that something that good could happen to me in one of my least favorite months just proves that all months can be my best month if I'm willing to make it happen.

Photo by Jamie Coupaud

Unlike every other month of December where I always try to at least travel home, I have no plans on doing that this year and one of the reasons being the fact that I still am not done with my school project which also has to be defended (that would be done towards the end of this month) and also the road isn't exactly the safest at the moment to travel on unless I plan on traveling by flight (which is really really expensive especially during this festive season), so whatever plans I have has to be done here, in the school environment where there would be very few students around.

By the way, everything I would be doing this season would be done with someone by my side because I happen to be someone who gets social anxiety especially when I go to places I haven't been to in the past, so I always make sure to go with a friend, someone that could maybe step in whenever I need them to. So based on that, one of the few things I have plan on doing is going to the cinema with a friend of mine. Surprisingly, I haven't really been to the cinema before, not because I couldn't afford or didn't have the time, but because I've never really fancied the idea of paying to go see a movie with strangers seated beside me, something I could watch at home either on my phone or laptop at my own comfort.

But as a way to sort of celebrate and probably give myself a treat, I've decided to do that. Another thing I had planned on doing was to go for a swim but after everything that happened to my friend yesterday where he almost lost his life, I don't think I will be getting close to any body of water anytime soon, at least not this year.

So with that out of the way, the other thing left to do is hanging out with my friends and making more plans with them. Luckily for me, they too have no plans on traveling this year so we all would be having all of the fun we possibly can this festive season.

 8 months ago  

It's good to know you already have a definite plan for the holiday. I wish you a great holiday ahead.....

 8 months ago  

Thank you.

 8 months ago  

oh no bro just go swimming its fun O.O especially if u in a hot place. Damn u need to go cinema also please go O.O. we only live onceeeeeee lets gooooo

 8 months ago  

I only will be going for a swim if I have a professional swimmer inside the pool with me.. I'm too young to drown 😅

And yeah, I'm definitely going to the cinema.

 8 months ago  

o.o why would u drown O.O?

When u going cinema maybe u can watch aquaman when its out

 8 months ago  

That’s a good one
Hangout with friends and enjoy!

 8 months ago  

Yeah, thanks.

 8 months ago  

Graduation done and this time is all about celebration and you have time for it. Also never want to cinema complex to see movies. I thought about it several times but never able make it till now. I hope someday I will make it possible.
By the way, what is the condition(mental) of your friend who was almost about to lose his life in water 😅?

 8 months ago  

By the way, what is the condition(mental) of your friend who was almost about to lose his life in water 😅?

Hehehe... He's laughing about it, which is good, considering he almost lost his life.