Let there be strike

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

A lot of things isn’t functioning as it should in this country, but the one thing that concerns me the most is the Nigerian police force because they’re permitted to walk around with guns.


I just read the news about the police wanting to go on strike and though I felt it was funny because this is the first time I’m seeing something like this, I do also feel that the country might be a lot safer if they do go on strike, isn’t that a big irony? Lol.

I heard about a Nigerian in Ukraine who refused to join other Nigerians on a plane to come back to Nigeria because of the war, the man said he would rather die in Ukraine than come back and that got me thinking because their have been reports of Ukrainers being racist to blacks and I’m wondering why he would rather choose to be in a place he’s being treated like that over his home country.

So I asked myself if I would be able to do the same thing, and my answer was an immediate Yes. They might be racist there but the police over here are worst than racist. I wish I have a name to call what they do over here but I don’t. All I know is that I’d rather take my chances in a fine country like that where if I lay low very well, I might escape most of it’s racial abuse than in another country where I get harassed by the police even inside my home.

So I really do wish they go on their strike, even though there’s a huge possibility of crime rate going higher. But then again, most of the crimes that has happened to me was mostly perpetuated by the police themselves. So maybe, maybe the country might become a little safer for me and I can walk around with my iPhone freely without being labeled a fraudster if they do choose to go on their break because I’m tired of looking over my shoulders whenever I see a police man walk past me.

It’s exhausting and I want it to end.

 2 years ago  

even has become an open secret, all police are the same in any country.

 2 years ago  

So maybe, maybe the country might become a little safer for me and I can walk around with my iPhone freely without being labeled a fraudster if they do choose to go on their break because I’m tired of looking over my shoulders whenever I see a police man walk past me.

You know their mentality is embedded in the fact that no work that looks less hard is capable of bringing many earnings. They believe that before you can even drive a car, you must have worked for like 50 years of your life!! @prayzz

 2 years ago  

Yup, they all are still living in the past.

 2 years ago  

Exactly, man!!

 2 years ago  

I don't think a strike would be a good solution though, even though they are useless, they do bring some decorum to the society.

 2 years ago  

Maybe.. I even doubt if there will be any strike. Those bastards are too greedy to let us have a few days to ourselves where we don’t bribe them.

 2 years ago  

There won't be, I doubt but even though I blame them, I blame the society more.

 2 years ago  

Let there be strike
...and there was strike💀😂

 2 years ago  

It's so sad really