Make sure you remember

in Hive Learners16 days ago

The other day on X (formerly known as twitter), I had seen a tweet where a lady was kinda advising the youths, telling them not to get pressured into thinking that it's their responsibility to take care of their parents during old age, in her words "We didn't ask to be born".. Reading that tweet, I had gone ahead to read the comments under it because I knew that there would be people down there who would agree with her, and seeing how I enjoy triggering myself and getting upset with stupid tweets like that, those comments would be perfect for me.

And as predicted, I had seen some people agree with her but there were other people who disagreed. One had gone ahead to list some things his parents had done for him, things he swore he would never forget and would make sure he takes care of them for as long as they live.

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Photo by Rod Long

If you ask me, I feel these kind of "problems" started arising when the world decided it needed to be woke, that was when the people of this generation decided that it was cool to wake up one morning and say some rubbish all in the name of wokeness and what's even more annoying is the fact that no matter how stupid that thing they say is, there's always someone who would see things their way and agree with them. Sadly, it's those people that encourages other people to keep on coming up with crazy shit everyday, one of those crazy stuff being self-identity (an example is a man identifying as a woman) and also having about 72 different kinds of gender aside from being a male or a female, but all of that would be a discussion for another day.

Back to the topic at hand, do I think it's right for our parents to expect us to take care of them when they're old and weak, the simple answer is yes and trust me when I say that I never thought a day would come when I would have to explain that answer but tada!

Unless your mother was a wicked witch and your father a wizard who maltreated you during your years as a child, I don't see a reason why taking care of your parent should even be a debate. Speaking about my parents, these people sacrificed everything for me while growing up and my dad still does even till this day. One of my greatest regret in life was my mom dying when she did because lord knows one prayer I always had in mind was for both of my parents to stay alive long enough for me to spoil them with the good things of life.

Now I wouldn't want to get into details about some of the things my parents did for me because some of the stories would get me in my feelings but you listen to this, when next you go online and you see things like that crazy tweet up there, telling you that you don't have to take care of your parents at their old age because they took care of you when you were young, because unlike you, taking care of you was their responsibility, I want you to remember that there are a lot of parents out there who ignored that responsibility and didn't care about their child and that your parents could have easily taken that same route but because they love you, they decided to care, cherish and raise you with lots of love.

Make sure you remember that.

 16 days ago  

I do see tweets like that and I am always amazed. It would even amass thousands of likes and retweet, very annoying something.

 16 days ago  

It's not surprising to me anymore and most times I do my best to ignore them.

 15 days ago  

wow that lady probably wasnt treated well by her parents :')