
in Hive Learners2 years ago


There was tears in everyone's eyes as the priest said the last prayer before Mike's body was lowered into the earth. His mom wailed, his sisters did the same while his father just watched, trying his best to act like a man and not cry. If he cried, who would console the others.

Mike was a twenty-six year old fresh graduate who had gone to the club to celebrate successfully becoming a graduate when he was killed. The police had found his body and with the help of Mike's phone, they had called his family to give them the sad news. But what his family didn't know was that the police had been the one responsible for their son's death.

Mike had been on his way back home from the club when he saw some men calling him, asking him to stop. He did stop and looked towards their direction, that was when he noticed the AK-47 they were all carrying. Mike's mind told him one thing. "This was a robbery" so he did the only thing he knew he could do, he ran.

The men chased after him but their speed was no match for Mike's and that was when one of them fired. When Mike fell to the floor dead, the man had claimed that he had only wanted to fire a warning shot but who points the gun directly at someone to fire a warning shot, no one.

The men who were chasing Mike were officers who weren't putting on their uniforms. The same uniform that Mike would have seen and not mistake them for criminals if they all had it on.

Not knowing what to do and not wanting to just leave his corpse lying out there on the road, they picked up his phone and called his father, claiming that their son had been killed by some armed robbers when in reality, the police officers were the ones who had killed the young fresh graduate.

 2 years ago  

criminals who criminalize the actions of others.
11 12 they are no different, officers who are supposed to be pursuing criminal acts actually commit crimes.

 2 years ago  

They say police is our friend, while they are the ones dealing with us badly the most.

 2 years ago  

Lol. I'm sure even kids this days don't believe the "Police is your friend" bullshit.

 2 years ago  

This is so suffocating
Do we need to run from people meant to protect us?
We better get over police is your friend talk