Setting the Right Priority

in Hive Learners3 years ago


It’s sad to see that a lot of youths this days don’t know how to set their priorities straight. They just do things because they want to impress people around them and also want the people to see them as big boys who are doing so well meanwhile their life isn’t really in order.

Before I go any further I would like to put it out here that everything I write is mostly based on my point of view and there are many times when my point of view might be wrong or might not be the same as yours, it’s left for you to come into the comment section so that we talk it out and who knows, even become friends. Now back to the post.

Earlier today, while sitting outside with my friends, we saw this young guy drive past us and one of my friends immediately recognized him as a friend of his and quickly went to say hi. They both chatted for a while then the guy came down from his vehicle and gave the keys to my friend who got in and helped him reversed his car.

When my friend got back, he started talking about how him and the owner of the car has been friends from way back. He said the guy recently made some money and quickly went to get himself a car. The dude wasn’t even perfect at driving yet but for some reason has refused to put the L sign in front of his vehicle which would automatically let other drivers know that he’s still learning how to drive.

We spoke extensively about the guy and that was how I got to know that the dude doesn’t even have a stable source of income and yet the first big payout he gets, he runs to get himself a car that he probably won’t be able to maintain when the problem starts coming in.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against getting a car at a young age, it’s actually a good thing especially if you need it for your business but we all knew that that young man only got himself a car because he wanted to show off which was what he came to do today. He clearly isn’t setting his priorities right and might end up regretting it but then again I can’t really say that, can I?

Unfortunately there are a lot of youths like this and no one is advising them or maybe they just don’t want to listen. But the truth remains that one wise decision could set you up for life and a dumb one could end up making you visit the mechanic workshop two or three times a week with no money for repairs.


I want to bam bam, I want to chill with the big boys. That’s what most of them say. They want to fit into the standard of the society not minding if it would hurt their pocket.

Leave them, time would tell and they would learn their lessons.

 3 years ago  

Lol. No one is asking them not to "bam bam" they just do it at a really bad time.

Lol… let’s wait and watch them to bambam SAPA afterwards. 😂😂😂

They are balling to impress and oppress, it is their business, they'll face the consequences later

 3 years ago  

Trenches is responsible for changing priorities. The society seems to be moving differently right now and alot has changed...
But I hope to keep my priorities in check always

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  
