The Valentine Party

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Yesterday was one of those wild days that parents always try to make sure their kids aren’t part of. My hostel had decided to host an adult valentine party a day before the actual valentine day because most of them already had things planned for Valentine’s Day. It’s funny how that happened on a Sunday, we all went to church in the morning and then partied till dawn at night. And though I know I called it an “adult valentine party” but that doesn’t mean that anything extremely bad happened, or did it?

It was a fun filled night as we all played interesting games like truth or dare. I was actually forced to dance while everyone watched and though at first it looked like I was a little bit shy, but every one of that shyness went out the window the moment the alcohol kicked in.

Talking about the alcohol, that was probably the worse decision I made that night. I consumed a lot of alcohol, not enough to make me drunk or act stupid but enough to make me start my Monday at noon. I had woken up with a hangover of all hangovers.

When I got up from my bed, it literally felt like I was hanging upside down from the ceiling and my head was going to fall off any minute. Brushing my teeth literally felt like hell because of the one sided headache I was feeling at that moment.

Nevertheless, the night was a fun filled night and it’s one I definitely would be remembering for a while but I’m definitely going back to my no drinking policy because why would I want to continue doing something that will always come to hunt me in the morning after having a good time the previous night.


And before I forget, Happy Valentines Day everyone.

 2 years ago  

Feliz día a ti también y buena decisión no beber es una locura la resaca y malestar al día siguiente 👍

Happy day to you too and a good decision not to drink, the hangover and discomfort the next day are crazy 👍