You may kiss your bride…nope!

in Hive Learners2 years ago


I’ve always known myself to be an overthinker. I hate it when things takes me by surprise and then I end up being stuck or not knowing what to say or do so I always make sure I think ahead just in case anything unexpected happens, I will be able to scale through.

Trust me, being an overthinker has its benefits. It helps in almost everything you do, be it when you’re working or having fun with the guys. You come up with some really good ideas, ideas your friends or colleagues didn’t even know that they needed at the time. But then everything with an advantage has its disadvantages and overthinking isn’t any different.

Sometimes I see myself thinking about things that probably will never happen or things that will happen many years from now and I try to look for a solution for them even though most of those things will most likely sort themselves out when the time comes.

Yesterday, I found myself thinking about my future wedding. Maybe what prompted the thoughts was the topic of yesterday’s featured content on hive learners community which has to do with traditional marriage but I wasn’t really thinking about a traditional marriage, I was thinking about a church wedding and how I would really love to keep it small, you know, just both of our families and maybe just five friends.

And this isn’t because I’m planning to be on a budget on my future wedding (I don’t think I will be broke in the future or anything, my future is bright) but it’s because the present me feels the future me is going to be very shy to kiss my bride and also dance in front of all that people. I’m a terrible dancer and the thought of kissing anyone in front of my dad still scares the shit out of me even till this day. Imagine kissing my bride and then steal a glance at my dad only to see him smiling back at me.. awkward!!!

It’s definitely going to be an innocent smile but what my mind will translate it to is “When you get home, you’re dead for kissing a woman in my presence” Lol.

With the way I’m thinking about all of this, I might end up not getting married. Just ask someone’s daughter to move in with me and then we make beautiful babies, the end.


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 2 years ago  

I totally relate to this. I am an over thinker too. But sometimes when reality hits me, I just realize that somehow I am prepared . I don't know how it happens though

 2 years ago  

Imagine kissing my bride and then steal a glance at my dad only to see him smiling back at me.. awkward!!!

This got me in stitches 😂. As an over thinker myself, I'd just tell you not to worry about that now, who knows, you might actually get more comfortable doing some things as time goes on.

Nice post!

 2 years ago  

Yeah I know that. Things like this has happened to me in the past where when the time finally arrives, it no longer becomes a big deal. I just have to stop thinking too much.

Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Lol. I won’t say I’m a “very shy” person. I stopped being very shy a long time ago, there’s just some things that I just wouldn’t like to do.