A call for responsible family planning in my country

in Hive Learners29 days ago

If we are to look at the population of people in Nigeria then I will have to say we actually need such rules to control the population from getting too much than it is already.

I think it is not a bad idea if the government can come in to regulate the rate at which some families bring children into this world all in the name of I love kids, nobody hates kids but overpopulation is not a good thing to experience.

Though it won't be easy for the government to control such things in this country because there are lots of local hospitals that are not even registered under the government, and those hospitals would take advantage of the rules even if there are any, which will make it very difficult for the government to bring such rules for people to follow.

The image was captured and edited on canva by me

There was a woman in my street who died recently due to childbearing, I am not writing this to mock her but then I just thought that when a woman gets to some stage in childbearing they were supposed to control it even if the husband wants more children, it is the woman right to make the husband see the reason why they should stop at the ones they have already.

According to what I heard, it was said that she had four kids already, and immediately the fourth one was a year older, the husband started disturbing the woman to get pregnant again.

The first question I asked was, "Are they selling those kids?" How can a woman be getting pregnant every year? Even if they have all the resources to take care of those kids, they are supposed to give a gap between those kids, no matter what happens.

She got pregnant as planned and this time she thought that she had enough experience so she didn't bother going for antenatal at the hospital she normally used, instead she went to a local hospital.

It was said that when the pregnancy was around seven months she started seeing blood and she was rushed to her local hospital, where she was given some herbs then she went back home instead of going for a scan or going to her main doctor for help.

Some days after she started bleeding again and they thought she wanted to have the baby, so she was taken to the local hospital where she had the baby, but they couldn't stop the bleeding, because she had an internal cut. By the time she was rushed to the hospital, she had already gone.

It was a very sad thing to hear because it is not easy, when I had she had four kids already I couldn't stop asking why she got pregnant again, isn't four kids enough for them? But then we can't stop people from doing whatever they like with their lives.

So to answer the question, I think the government should intervene in controlling childbearing in this country, just like some other countries, so that some woman won't just throw their lives away just like this woman and more so to keep the population from getting overboard.

 29 days ago  

Wow. So pathetic to hear. Now, how will the husband take care of those 4 children? You see, I think lack of education is in this too. Like, why do you think of having another kid even when the last one is a year? And to make it worse, she thought she had had the experience of giving birth. I am sure there was no enough resources to go to a good hospital but local ones. May her soul rest in peace and keep the ones alive save. I feel for her.

People like this needs lots of enlightenment and education.

 29 days ago  

Amen, and may her soul rest in peace and God will take good care of those kids because the man will definitely marry another woman to continue having children for God knows why.

Some women need to wake up and stand up for themselves because everything about childbearing is not easy at all

 29 days ago  

And when the man marrries another wife, those children might suffer except the new wife would act nice and be caring to them.

 29 days ago  

Kai, look how that life got wasted for nothing. I wonder what some people are gathering children for. Imagine he can't even afford to take her to a good hospital, is it the child that he can afford to train?

Most women are going through a lot with this child birth thing and my problem with some of them is they don't speak out.

Our population is really getting out of hand and i think it's high time the government starts doing something about it but it's going to be a long time project.

 29 days ago  

Yh it is going to be a long-time project for the government to take control over the situation because of some local hospitals that would go against the government rules just because of their personal interest.

I couldn't blame the woman but then I don't like it when some women subject themselves to such things, if only she had spoken up some people might talk sense into her husband's head

 29 days ago  

I want to believe that some of these families their major problem is ignorance. They don't know the implications untill they starts sending all their children to school.

That woman just wasted her life. Something that can actually be prevented.