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in Hive Learners3 months ago

Wow. There is no place like living with your parents because, yes, they are your parents and you have some right to things and in fact, they would reason with you than any other person could. People that likes to say they will act like parents to us especially when things happen, they don't fulfill their promises, just their way of running their tongue like politicians do. Thank God you had the opportunity to move out. Who dare maltreat a child whose parents are doing very okay?

 3 months ago  

You know right, like you rightly said she only dared to do that because she see us as helpless but my God had greater plans for us.

Thank you so much for stopping by ma'am 🥰

 3 months ago  

That is it, my dear. God always have greater plans for His children.

 3 months ago  

Yes! 🥰