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RE: My role in the life of my children

in Hive Learnerslast month

Exactly. When you lay the foundation from the beginning, it won't be hard for kids to take on the right path even if they want to go with their choice of lifestyle, religion and culture. When a child is being taught the right morals right from when he is little, it would be easier to walk in that line. So, parents should start the training early so that there wouldn't be issue.

 last month  

That foundation is very important. It can't be overemphasized. Children shouldn't be left to the mercy of society. They should be taught love and good morals right from childhood. Once they grow with them, they don't need to consult their parents to take the right path. A parent would be proud at that level.

 last month  

You are right. When children are taught good morals from childhood, parents also would feel at peace knowing their children are taking on the good path with their decisions.