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RE: Fostering Family Connections in a Digital Era: Overcoming Smartphone Distractions for Meaningful Bonding

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Setting a rule to ban phones during family meetings can have it cons too, though we want to value family's time, still the rule could make us lose out on opportunities. But we can always control ourselves during such precious moments while still staying abreast with the latest online.

 2 months ago  

So you didn't read this line?

but I'm looking forward to having an agreement with my partner when I've got one

This Vic is something else 🥺😌😌
You know what I mean
I'm not causing troubles oo
Just being gentle

 2 months ago  

Hahaha 😆 I read it but didn't want to cause trouble 😅
I smiled though.
Vick will/must marry 🤣🤣

 2 months ago  

It's a must
He has no choice 😌😌😌😄