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RE: Unfair Treatments Make Us More Stronger.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

I believe you can't be unlucky in everyday of the month. Yes, life can be unfair.

Bank queue has a lot of people with different mentality, so I make sure I have that concoiusness that I am the only sane person there especially when money is not dispensing so well.

Helping the elderly woman is something I would have done too.

 2 months ago  

Hehehe, withdrawing money at the ATM can be really funny. People bring their problem from home to mount on anyone who is not smart enough to avoid them.

Thank you for stopping by 🥰

 2 months ago  

I always have the belief that not everyone is okay on the ATM queue each time I go to use one.

 2 months ago  

Hehehe, that's a good mindset, it will save you from getting into a fight on the queue