The Fruit of One's Labour.

in Hive Learnerslast month

The Family Time Are Phones Welcome  (4).png

Parenting is a very serious job, it demands a lot of wisdom, experience and time to raise a single child not to talk of 2 to 5 children. Parenting can also be fun because our parents get to witness our growth and the memories will always put smile on their faces. Parents sole aim is to train up a child, instill morals and culture and generally to make the world a better place by training up a child that would be a blessing to the society.

Parents dedicate so much of their attention, love, time, money to raise a child. Most parent are known to deny themselves some certain desires and pleasure just to give the best to their children and love is exactly what motivates parents to take care of thier children.

It's A Natural Responsibility

I believe it is a must for children to take care of their parents as long as their capacity can allow, it shouldn't be forced because it comes from the place of love and gratitude. I said that to say this, only good parents deserves to be taken care of. The quality of love between parent to children and vice versa is what decides how much care is shown towards both parties. One doesn't have to be old enough or financially bouyant before taking care of parents. Also, we don't necessarily have to wait for our parents to be old and weak before we start taking steps to take care of them. One could start by helping them do home chores that involves lifting heavy objects: basically, help them with anything that would stress their muscle unnessarily. Saying and showing them how much we love them is also part of taking care of our parents.

The Family Time Are Phones Welcome  (5).png

One of my very first attempts to taking care of my parent happened on one random day, when I was returing from school and I bought very hot roasted corn by the side of the road. I had eaten up to half of it when I rememebered that my mom love eating corn, roasted or cooked. I decided to keep the remaining half for her. I got home, my mom's friend had come to pay her a visit. I couln't wait for her friend to leave before giving her the hot corn, mom loves it when the corn is still hot. I interupted their dicussion with my greeting and I stretched my hand towards my mom. Told her in my native language that I bought corn for her, she was so happy and quickly unwrapped it from the paper and saw that it was her type of corn. She smiled and said thank you my darling in our native language. Sincerely, I was a bit shocked at how she expressed her joy, she did it like she was a child.

Her friend told her that she seemed too happy for just a half corn but I love my mom's reply. My mom said she is already eating the fruit of her labour, it starts from somewhere. Mehn... I was so happy to hear that. I was about 14 years but I understood what it meant. Since then, I have put it on my mind to always find a way to take care of my parents in my own way. I do not need to wait till I am financially bouyant.

Parents deserve to be cared for, if possible more than they did to their children. This is only possible if the parent have actually invested in their children too, that's what prompts the children to want to reciprocate the love and care that was shown to them.

My old age is still far but my preparation is doing everything possible to become very success, honourable and valuable to have the capacity to give my children the best in life

The thumbnail and images were gotten from Canva

Thank You For Reading Till The End

 last month  

Honestly, every reasonable child should just understand that it is natural to take care of his or her parents. They deserve all the care in the world, fr.

 last month  

Parents deserve to be loved same as children deserved to be loved.

 last month  


 last month  

One of the best thing you can ever do in life is taking care of your aged parents,
It's a blessing unto you too for longlife

 last month  

Yes, it's a blessing that one should not miss.

Thank you for engaging with my post.