Newbie Task; Learning The Dos And Don't Of Hive

in Hive Learnerslast month (edited)
On to the second week and the second task into the Newbie Initiatives and I tell you this, It's been an amazing experience so far. I just can't stop saying thank you to the organizations for doing such a great job. Without further ado, let's ride straight to the questions and what I have to say about them

How is hive different from other social media platforms like web 2...

Hive is a decentralized controlled platform, where its users are allowed to create and curate content, and earn from it. Hive focuses on privacy and transparency, hive is a community.

While other social media platforms just like Twitter and Facebook are centralized,the users have no rights over their data, they don't earn anything for the contents they created.


Vividly explain the following terminologies in your own understanding...

a. Plagiarism
b. Vote begging
C. Post recycling

a. Plagiarism; This means copying or stealing someone's work without giving credit to them or without their permission

b. Vote begging; This the process whereby, you ask people or beg people to vote on your post either in your post or people's DM

c. Post recycling; This is done when you have to reinvent the wheel by going to your old posts and bringing them back to life, however, this is not allowed on Hive as you are only required to bring in new and freshly post.

In what ways is the use of tags relevant to your post?...

Tags are a way of getting more visibility in your post, when you input the right hashtags, your post gets more visibility. With the use of hashtags, it is very easy for people to find your content.

Also do you think that abuse of tags may attract downvote on your post? yes or no, explain?...

Yes, Abuse of tags attracts the downfall especially if the tags are not in any way related to the content.

Also list 5 general tags you know...

Sure, here are the five general tags I know

  • pob
  • vyb
  • proofofbrain
  • hive-engine
  • pimp

You have been taught on how to use markdowns on your post, properly make use of some markdowns you have learned while answering the above question

Definitely, writing this post was an amazing experience because I was able to learn and as well use markdowns and sincerely, it gave my post a different kind of air to!

I appreciate all you all

All images are created by me using Canva

 last month (edited) 

Hello @queenkong , you have done well in attending to this task. That's impressive and I love your energy. However, here are some corrections you should note

  1. I didn't see much of markdown you suppose to apply in this post
    I saw only bolding text, not even using text justification markdown to align your post?
    If there's a markdown you shouldn't miss in all your post going forward, then it's text justification

Check the format in ur discord dm

Also, you should always make your words to reach 500

I hope to see you edit this post to apply some of these corrections 🤗

Thank you so much ma'am
I will take the corrections, as for the markdowns, I haven't really understand how well to use them but I believe I will do better next time

For words count, I was running out of ideas to make it 500 so I thought it was better to post it lesser than to write something out of point.

However, I will take corrections from here

 last month  

It's alright, of you take your time to study the materials on markdowns which we dropped in newbies announcement channel, you will get to understand most of them

Were you available during the meeting?

Don't worry, it's a gradual process

Sometimes, if you see peoples post.. and their markdowns, u can chat the person to tell u what he or she used
Before u know it, u will understand better
But the materials are there to guide u

Just give it ur time

Okay ma'am
Thank you

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👍 I will be writing mine soon, This is a good write up

Thank you Mike

 last month  

Good Job queen, You can try more mark down on post, Just as my boss @nkemakonam89 suggested check the materials again,
For the word count, I will reach out to you on Discord on how to easily get that done for you,
Keep it up👍👍

Thank you

This is very explanatory 👍