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RE: A letter to my humble self in 5 years time

in Hive Learners2 years ago

An interesting idea and topic, I might write one of these letters to myself in 5 years tomorrow. I wish you all the best for achieving those things that you mention in your letter to yourself, they sound like they are things you're longing for maybe?

Tomorrow never ends, tomorrow is the future we will never see but we would always hope for it and in the belief of tomorrow.

Ahhhh, but this is the only part in the blog where I want to respond to say 'don't take those tomorrows for granted.' In your profile picture burlarj you look reasonably young, when you hit middle age after 40 or 50 you realise those tomorrows will start to become scarce soon, and then one day... the great adventure beyond all tomorrows.

Ha ha, but I'm getting well ahead of myself, there is still tomorrow to look forward too ;-)

 2 years ago  

they sound like they are things you're longing for maybe?

Yes they are still things i long for, yet to have them but i will😁

don't take those tomorrows for granted.

Yes you are right, i am always wary of my tomorrow so i make sure to set things right in the present, thanks raj