Child regulation law should be enforced

in Hive Learners4 months ago

Child regulation control is a one-time law I will support over and over again. Some might ask why childbirth should be controlled. As we all know, God gives freely to humans as many as one desires, but my question is, is it right to bring forth a child or children into the world to suffer? Instead, why not give birth to the ones you can take care of?

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It's good that some countries regulate the number of children each family can give birth to so as to keep their population at a good level where they can take good care of their citizens and manage their economy well.

As the government of such a nation is planning to give its citizens the most comfortable life, citizens too should make it easy by normalizing the rate at which they give birth.

How is it in my country?

When I saw this particular question, I had to pause for a while and laugh because, here in Nigeria, there are no rules governing the number of children a family gives birth to. As it is believed here, children are the heritage of God, a free gift from God; therefore, they should give birth to as many as possible.

Here in my country, you will see a family where the father and the mother are struggling to survive and eat a square meal while giving birth to seven children. At the end of the day, they wouldn't be able to take proper care of these children, and they would become destitute.

The rate at which people give birth here is so funny because there isn't proper planning on how to cater for these children, but because many of us grew up with the mentality that a person who gives birth to a large number of children is like God's favorite. This makes people give birth without planning what the future of those children will be.

I knew of someone who gave birth to eight children, some of whom are different fathers, and she had to share the children to live with families because she couldn't provide for them or the husband she was with. The children don't go to school or feed well. I was expecting her to stop when she had the sixth child until I saw her pregnant for the seventh and eighth times.

"What was that for?" was the question I was asking myself because the ones she already has are not being properly taken care of, yet she still wants more. And when I asked her, she said, "Omo lo la eni," which means children are one's future.


From my perspective, I will say the government should be involved in passing such a law here in Nigeria to normalize the rate at which people give birth. In Nigeria, you will see a beggar giving birth to six to seven children, turning them all into beggars. It's so disheartening to see young children who should be in school, learning, and setting a strong foundation for their future begging around on the street.

This is very common in the northern part of Nigeria; they give birth to many children there for their begging business. The almagiris are children being used for begging businesses. In Kwara State, we have lots of those children loitering around almost every street, begging for alms, and later turning to thieves who do away with people's money and properties.

I believe that if such a law is passed and strictly followed, citizens will reduce the rate at which they give birth, and the fewer the children, the more focused the parents will be on them. Likewise, catering for them and planning their lives to become better people for themselves, their families, and their country as a whole will be an easy task.


I will be a bit diplomatic about this because the present situation in the country is a bit confusing, I must say. Therefore, passing such a law presently might not make any difference until the economy stabilizes and things are put in order.

I do feel that regulating a child's birth would also make life easier for families. Giving birth to the number of children you know you can adequately look after, guiding them through their journey in life and becoming the best version of themselves instead of giving birth to a large number, of which you won't know how they feed daily or how they are living their lives,.

Regulating a child's birth will produce a healthy family and a healthy society, as well as a healthy country.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

 4 months ago  

There is lot of harm when we refused to control our birth. As we speak now we have a lot of beggers roaming the streets and this is because we refused to control our birth. We also have a lot of orphanage home just because we just give birth without taking care of them.

 4 months ago  


 4 months ago  

Do you think this can work in this country, have you been to the northern part of the country and see how they are giving birth like what I can't say.

 4 months ago  

That's what I'm saying that the rate of child birth in the north is so extreme

 4 months ago  

When I read the question, I did not need to think much about my dear country before I burst into laughter.
Even if the government stepped in with their regulations, it would take a really long time before people began to obey the rules. It might not even be Fairplay to everyone.
I just wonder why couples don't do family planning.

 4 months ago  

Family planning is urgently needed in this our country