Dressing as a priority

in Hive Learners25 days ago (edited)

As a Yoruba lady, I grew up with this phrase, "Iri ni si ni iseni lojo," which means "dress the way you want to be addressed," and this has stuck to my brain since childhood. This is part of the phrases used in putting a child on the right path, and this is one thing I love the Yoruba culture for; their teachings alone are enough to correct and make one make the right decision.

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In response to today's prompt, while going for an interview, physical appearance is always taken into consideration, which is okay with me. I will be addressing this as a typical Yoruba lady because that was how I was brought up.

Firstly, you won't see a sane person going for an interview in a skimpy skirt, crop top, or tiny armless gown all in the name of going for an interview in order to be favored. If I'm in a such gathering and I have the opportunity to decide, any lady now, because that's for a lady, who comes to my interview with such clothes will definitely be rejected by me because it's not even professional.

Now for a man coming to an interview with thrift trousers all in the name of fashion, slippers that they call palm or even half shoes with a round neck and all these bingo chains, it's a big no for me. I will surely reject such a person because, to me, it seems as if you are not serious enough to convince me to give the job to you.

From my perspective, the dressing should be first considered because the first thing an interviewer will see is your outer appearance, even before getting to know your level of intelligence. What happens then when your outer appearance has already scored you zero?

Dressing decently doesn't mean you aren't beautiful, though this present generation thinks exposing their cleavages and the secret parts of their body is what's called being beautiful. For me, dressing first is more than just that; it is so appropriate and professional. An office environment isn't a club where you will have to dress sexy to seduce anyone, so why must you expose your body?

Would it be better if only skill was considered?

No, it won't be better if only skill is considered; dressing has to be part of the consideration. I can't imagine going into an office environment where the receptionist would welcome me with a crazy jean and a crop top. I would pause for a while, probably go back outside and check the office I entered to be sure I'm not in a hotel or something.

Decency in dressing is very important; starting from the hair down to the shoes, it must be perfect and neat. One dressing is enough to give one good credit even before opening one's mouth to speak. What is the essence of an intelligent person whose outer appearance gives off lunatic or irresponsible vibes?

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Isn't this sexy for an office wear?

Is this a system I would change if I could?

Definitely no. If I'm opportune to change anything, I would make dressing the number one criteria for any applicants. Once you scored zero in your dressing, it's a no for me because your dressing sure has rendered your skill useless to me. I don't know about others.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 25 days ago  

You have said it all, dressing counts and matters. There is a dress for every occasion, don't wear a party gown to an interview

 25 days ago  

Very correct momma

 25 days ago  

Me that's very much against most of the trendy dressing of this era, anybody dressing off the normal simple/cooperate wear for interview should just pack and leave 😎

 25 days ago  


 25 days ago  

It’s the bingo chain for me.😂😂😂

Some people dress for interviews like they’re going to farm. I think it’s best to be decent because decency is very important in a work setting.

 25 days ago  

Lols like seriously it's annoying

 24 days ago  

It is.😂

 25 days ago  

If you go to any place and work where your clothes are judged based on your clothes, then you will understand that people there will not like you or like you for some reason based on your clothes. Can't justify you have to evaluate based on your experience and all your work it's very important

 25 days ago  

Exactly my point.... Dressing definitely has got a lot of impacts to speak for us .. it relays the type of person we are even when we've not said anything and as such should never be made irrelevant

 25 days ago  

That's right

 25 days ago  

Appearing smart makes one to be proud of himself, in as much as skills is so important the two should work hand in hand

 25 days ago  

You are right

 25 days ago  

I'm equally conscious of my dressing to work as this depicts my organization or place of work. You're right, I can't walk into an office and meet a crop top or crazy Jean and think such as an office or official gathering

 24 days ago  

Decency in dressing is really important if we if we don’t wanna sell out a negative impression to our character and nature.