When we succeed in practical classes....

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi friend's,
How is everyone? I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. I came among you again, with a new post. I am going to share with you some beautiful moments spent in practical class with friends. I hope you all like it. Let's start my today's post.

The whole world was paralyzed when the corona disappeared. With a lot of effort and the grace of God, we got some relief. Then after many days we started doing all the work again in the normal way. I also went to college again and started taking classes. Even then, life became unbearable while taking classes online. After many days, the joy of taking classes with friends is much greater. For several days we were doing self-body classes. Again, it was as if we were saving ourselves in the midst of the new sun.




That day we were all doing a practical class on industrial electronics. In practical classes, sir usually handles the matter, we just look, then try to do it. Sir, the purpose is to do it ourselves, so that we can understand the matter in a very good way. Then we can do it so that there is no problem. We also try our best to do practical classes like Sir said. We all enjoy doing practical classes together with friends.

In the practical class that day, Sir said to some of us, do the practical work yourself today. We all said happily, Sir we agree. I was our group leader. At first I started practicing with my group of friends. We did the work according to the circuit diagram. We matched a few times before supplying, so that no mistake was made. Because, this is the first practical that we are doing ourselves without the help of sir.



Then we showed our work to Sir. We were very happy when Sir said that your practice was completely correct. All of us in our group were in a happy atmosphere then. Then we all happily took some selfies, taking a selfie with us sir. So that it remains in the pages of memory. The practical class of that day was a lot of fun for all of us.

I hope all of you like my writing today. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with a new post.

Many thanks to everyone for reading my post and for sharing your nice feedback.