Getting over Comfort Zone to pave a new road...

in Hive Learners2 years ago

The safest place to be at, is probably the "comfort zone!" It gives the sensation of being in control of life without any sort of doubts and risks. Thus halts the room for improvement in our life. Life is full of opportunities, one just needs to grab those and see where it takes them. I fully am aware of this peculiar situation which have made me loose some of the golden moments in my life. Hence here I am still thinking about those and even this situation has bore fruit for me in HIVE! Such an irony of life and the opportunity that I was talking about above is hence proven again!

I can not deny the fact about comfort zone! This phase of life is probably the best one which makes feel thyself as if this is where I belong! No fear, no doubts, life is in full control! What else do we need.

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But after a distinct period of time the delusion starts to fade away. The unwavering truth faces the reality of life. For my case, it was the financial impact which struck me from several ways. Not that there was no other ways to resolve the financial issue but the eagerness of making a name for thyself is one of the key reason to reach where I am standing atm. I am glad that no comfort zone can strike me any time soon.

  • Fear and Doubt

Honestly, the comfort zone is a bait to stop harnessing our true power. We grow accustomed to a certain lifestyle. Which at some point becomes our habit. Leaving us no choice but to adopt that lifestyle and keep on going with the flow. Comfort zone is probably the same. It suppresses our urge to grow and stops us from seeing from thriving in our life. But the real battle starts when we slowly start to get over that phase of our life. The fear of getting caught up in the decisions of life! The fear of others negative comments about the changes that are going to take place! The doubt of whether or not we will make it or not! Asking thyself, will be able to make the change in my life! The change that I am willing to make what will happen if I make it! I am not sure about others but all of these were the questions which I had in my mind lurking for a certain amount of time!

  • Getting over that phase of doubt and fear

I understand how I wasted countless opportunities at my disposal! But now what?

I do not have anything to do! I am new to this world of fast forward people. I am new to all these formula! I am not accustomed to all the protocols which I am facing! All the fear and questions which were lurking into the mind started to fade away once I saw there was no option but to move forward with whatever I have! My essential goal was to overcome whatever barriers that I came across in order to obtain the luxury of being a person without fear and doubt. The only thought which was bouncing in my mind was I have to continue and may be not now but I will eventually find a way. Thus it took a lot of my precious time to find the true path for myself. I slowly realized this could be the only possible way at my disposal. Thus the real journey began.

  • Finance

Possibly one of those must needed item in our list of needs. I envy those who does not really have to do technically anything for their needs. Just ask and its there but than when I imagine all the hard works and countless nights of not sleeping are there behind those success, those envyness goes away. Yes, finance at a stage really helped me realize how life really works but I am glad I am not among those greedy circle who leeches from the others. I want to be a part of others life. I want to be there for those in need. I want to see and witness how it feels to be of use to others. Which is why need to take thyself at that position as we speak. So that's a step forward in my journey I would say!

I am possibly at this stage right now! Figuring out what to do next! Possibly the best outcome for my input would be to develop some skills which would come in handy. In this case I would try to dive in the world of crypto even more. For that I am slowly starting to get on with some development skills in the blockchain. I am aware how difficult that path is going to be but coming to think about it, I am already knee deep in crypto. I am aware how things are working out in here! Let alone I am seeing the possibilities in HIVE. There are lots of room for my improvement here.

I still am in the journey of building my road of life. One brick at a time is being placed. Sometimes it feels like, I am approaching like a tortoise but when I look back and see I have taken a step forward I feel a bit relaxed. But yes, we always have room for improvement and I am looking to polish every mistake/shortcomings along the way.

Till than, the hustle is on!

Best regards


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Staying in our comfort zones makes us lazy and most times entitled. The entitled part is how we would be sitting around hoping that the grass will always be green without us having to water them. We need to get out of our comfort zones if we truly want to be successful and achieve all of our goals.

 2 years ago  

Truly indeed! Although, even as of now I wish things to automate and I just sleep and watch things happen for me jk probably one day it will happen when we have million HP at our disposal ;)

 2 years ago  

Getting away from our comfort zone times is not always easy especially when we have stayed long on it but it's a vital requirement for our success.

I envy those who do not have to do technically anything for their needs.

Same here as a human I am, however, I believe that some works have been done in the background before this stage. When I think in this direction, it's always a push for me to leave my comfort zone and do some sacrifices for my future and that of my kids.
I am glad you are taking a huge step now into a new road of success for you, GRACE my friend 👍🤗

And thanks for sharing this inspiring post to us😇👌

 2 years ago  

I believe that some works have been done in the background before this stage. When I think in this direction

I suppose as of today we are going through that stage :)
One day we would have the lavishness to say that we are there where we wanted our self to be at!

It is really hard to give up the comfort zone, I agree that it was due to the fear, the what ifs, you will be troubled and thinking to yourself if this is a good decision, but eventually, even if it's good or not, you'll learn and grow from it. I'm inspired by this post to keep going. Thank you so much for sharing.

 2 years ago  

Glad that your time reading my post was worth it :) Yup, we just need to keep on marching forward no matter what!

This thing about fear and doubt is Soo true. Most times it is really scary to start something new. But with a lot of courage and self discipline coming out of comfort zones will be a piece of cake

 2 years ago  

But with a lot of courage and self discipline coming out of comfort zones will be a piece of cake

Yup, I am glad to get out of that phase and marching towards something new :)

 2 years ago  

Comfort zone denies people of some success they are meant to achieve in life and when you stay out of it you will be amaze of the lot of success you are going to achieve .

 2 years ago  

Let's see how far we can go in our life! Cheers to that :)

I think it is important to keep trying... keep trying to do a little more each day. That way you avoid slowly slipping into a rut.

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