in Hive Learners2 years ago


Hey darling hivers

One place I have always dreamt to visit for a vacation is Seychelles. When I was unmarried I fantasized about traveling there for honeymoon and enjoying the the beauty of the country with my newly wed husband.
If only dreams comes true just the way we fantasize.

Seychelles is located in east Africa, it is an island on the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. It plays home to numerous beach, nature reserves, tourist attractions and coral reefs.

It has numerous islands, which has been turn to various exotic island reserves. There are a lot of things I love love about Seychelles.

Let me tell you about this dream location


It’s beautiful beaches:
The first thing that draws me to this location is its beaches, the white sand beaches, surrounded by the green nature all around it.
Magical sunsets, as the light hits the water.
It is magical to see. Sometimes I just stay on the internet, watching documentaries on various Seychelles locations or blogs of travelers who have been to Seychelles.
I think I am obsessed


Its a perfect vacation or honeymoon location
I have told myself in this life I must make I trip at least once to this location. With my husband alone, just the two of us.
Seychelles not only being a beautiful country, with the rise of its tourist attractions and beautiful review by visitors, it has expanded in its exotic resort. There are now numerous resorts, built on water, perfect views, and perfect for all water lovers.
It offers privacy to ones own personal view of the magnificent ocean and private beach access.

Can you imagine it?
You stepping out to your balcony to see a large mass of water, one which you can even jump right into


There was this bloggers video I watched about her trip to Seychelles,
She walked right out of her room, opened her balcony slide and walked right into the magnificent ocean.
The view was magical, it had me mouth opened and drooling for a minute.
She then jumped off her balcony into the ocean and I could just imagine how good that must have felt. When she walked out of the water, the stairs leading back to her balcony was inside the ocean too, trust me it was too beautiful.


Some other things I cannot wait to experience in the beauty Seychelles is: The seafoods (by now we all know I love love seafood), the sunset, activities such as scuba diving, it’s famous giant Aldabra tortoise all over the beach. A taste of the famous coco de mer, which is their indigenous fruit. It is its water makes gives the sweet rich refreshing drink.


Just looking at the picture alone gives me butterflies in my belly. It is very much a sight for sore eyes, and beyond all reasonable doubt the dream exotic spot for vacationing.

One day just one day I would visit and I would definitely make a blog about it.
Seychelles, be ready for me, because I am long overly ready to visit you.

Thank you for taking a trip with me to my dream exotic location.
I hope you enjoyed this post?


 2 years ago  

You have practically visited SEYCHELLES within the reach of your mind, it's remaining the physical your.

From what you said and the pictures describing the beautiful place, it's a wonderful place to be.

 2 years ago  

I spirit has reach there
Just my body that remains

Thanks for stopping by

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 2 years ago  

Oh my, did you really go there? 😂 For a second I thought you really did... You know so much about the place, that's really cool.

Lovely pictures to go with your imaginations.

 2 years ago  

Awwn thank you
I did not go o
I haven’t gone o
But my imaginations has been there several times

 2 years ago  

Please tell your imaginations to take me along next time 😢

This place looks like heaven. I have Seychelles and Zanzibar on my Must Visit list. Honeymoon or no honeymoon. I must. And you should too... Plan with the hubby and have a second honeymoon. Problem no dey finish.

 2 years ago  

Asin en
I must o
I must enjoy this scenery in this my life

 2 years ago  

Of course you fulfill your dream and many many good wishes for you. Good choice my dear

 2 years ago  

Awwn thank you 😊

What can I say? You have done justice to Seychelles even though you are yet to go there. I look forward to the time you do go there, so you can bring back gist for us.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Yes ooo
When I go gist go full ground

hello darling, this is such a good place to visit and in tone with nature i think you should not visist a lone, i think a couple visit would be great