in Hive Learners2 years ago


If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, it would be that every woman married or unmarried seeking to be blessed with a child, do not have to go through rough times before they get one.

This wish was totally far from to what I had in mind to write on when I saw the question on the hive learners disccord. But along the line I got a bad news and a very painful story that made me so sad over the weekend.


A friend of mine was looking so pale in the video she posted on her WhatsApp status so I reached out to her to check on her, and she opened up to me that she had just suffered another miscarriage, the 5th one in 5years of her marriage. I was stone cold frozen, I couldn’t find the right words to console her at first. I had always said a silent prayer for her in my heart each time I remember her and that she has been married for 5years and still waiting on God but I had no idea what she had been going through all the while.

She had carried out multiple IVFs and the last one was so far gone up to 6months when the doctors told her the baby wasn’t breathing anymore. When she narrated her pains to me and all she has been through I was sore to my heart.

I mean no one deserves to go through so much pain just to hold their bundle of joy.
I being one who is waiting for my own bundle of joy myself I could relate to her a bit aside the pains and heartbreaks, it can be a whole roller coaster of emotions and expectations to be very honest , and the fact that everyone feels you are not okay because you haven’t conceived yet and they keep Asking

hope you are not worried o

Like hell yea you would be a little bit worried too if you were in this shoes no cap.

Having heard her story that night, I prayed with her, and tried to boost her confidence in the Lord some more because such experience can take a toll on ones faith if not carefully watched. And I am Trusting that yahweh, the faithful father will show up for her.

(my twin baby niece and nephew)

So yes if I had one wish to make that would come through it would be raining babies in every home seeking for one or even twos.
We do not have the power to control
Things and everyone’s time and season differs, at the end of the day we as children of God know that we have a faithful father that never fails so this is where we should draw our confidence from.

I also implore a proper medical diagnosis too as you trust in God.
To everyone reading this with expectations I say this with all confidence-
**Yahweh will show up for us all. **
I definitely can’t wait to share my motherhood journey with you guys on here.

Can I get an Amen !!!

ps: it’s ok to have your own beliefs too but for my blog Its Jesus all day everyday, and that’s the only belief I would talk about in my blogs, thank you



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 2 years ago  

to your extraordinary wishes, hopefully all of that can happen.

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

Praying she experiences loss no more, Amen

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

Amen to you're wishes and I pray and hope it do come true

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

Woww, I so much feel for your friend and I pray that God remembers her and put smiles on her face and to yours too. Your expectations shall not be cut short, Amen!

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

That's a painful experience. May God give her the strength to bear the loss and bless with another fruit of the womb soon.

May yours also come speedily.
Every couple would be happy to hold their bundle of joy at the right time if your wish come true.

it’s ok to have your own beliefs too but for my blog Its Jesus all day everyday,

Yes o
It's Jesus all the way

 2 years ago  

Amen and thank you

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 2 years ago  

Thank you very much
I appreciate

This is truly touching, no mother should ever have to go through such pain. It doesn't matter how many times, you can never get used to it.
I hope she is strong enough to bounce back from this and her husband is comforting her. It is not easy, but we will surely be victorious in the end.

Thank you for sharing this with us. I pray your friend finds joy soon.

 2 years ago  

Thank you a lot

 2 years ago  

I also implore a proper medical diagnosis too as you trust in God.

Thank you for stating this.
Some infertility cases are actually caused by simple lifestyle issues.

I counselled a woman who has been infertile for 3yrs now. Guess what the problem was.... Being ignorant of her fertile period.
She conceived after 1month and she couldn't believe it.

Not all pregnancy related issues are spiritual or secondary to a serious medical condition.

Let's seek appropriate medical help when needed.

 2 years ago  

True and well said

Are you a medical practitioner?

 2 years ago  

Are you a medical practitioner?

Yes.... A certified and practising medical doctor

 2 years ago  

I have seen doc on hive oooo

 2 years ago  

I feel so sorry for your friend. I can't even imagine the heartbreak and pain she is going through.

I join you in your wish for God to make the cry of babies resounding in every home, including yours. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

My prayers are with her.

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

I hope you friend gets to have a baby of her own sometime.
I don't know if she has considered having a surrogate carry her baby.
She can get more advice about that from her doctors.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Thank you boo