The birth rate is an issue of our times

in Hive Learnerslast month

The topic of birth rates in our society is often highly discussed because there are different realities in relation to this topic and expectations are very different, varying from country to country and from government to government.
In my country, in recent years, we have faced a major problem that has to do with the fact that Portugal today has an aging population, there are more and more elderly people and many of the villages where some inhabitants still resist are all already in an advanced stage of age. , as young people are looking for a better life in cities and even in different countries, as in the rural world it is increasingly difficult to have a good profession or even study.
The birth rate issue in my country is addressed by the government by granting aid for the birth of more children, as is the case with the government offering a monetary value for each child, or even basic baskets and products for newborns that help support the birth rate and try to reverse the country's trajectory towards an extremely aged population.
Nowadays, many factors can contribute to the birth rate being so low in my country, such as income, families often have little purchasing power, which means that the natural thing for a couple in my country is to have maximum two children, although sometimes there are exceptions, but normally each couple has between one and two children, there is even a tendency to see more and more couples who do not have children by choice.



Another reason for the lower birth rate in my country, besides income, is the life that every couple leads nowadays, with little time to organize and manage their time, as life has an intentional rhythm of work commitments, which means that sometimes the option of having more than one or two children is well thought out, time is increasingly shorter, in the search to be able to work and get money to pay more and more installments, many of them for essential goods such as food, or even a place to live, with very high costs, which means that the appearance of more children often puts couples in an extreme situation of financial difficulty.
But I know that not all countries are the same, many countries try to control birth rates so that the country and its economy are sustainable, applying rules so that each couple only has one or two children at most, but then we are talking about a rate very high birth rate and there are often no sustainable resources in the country to have this entire population, which means that these birth control policies are implemented.


In any case, the issue of birth rates often goes hand in hand with a country's economy and its sustainability and governments have to adapt these measures according to the country's sustainability, seeking to create a sustainable balance so that population can develop within some defined parameters that allow the birth rate and resources of that country to be sustained.

 last month  

It is incredible, but the exodus from rural areas also shapes the birth rate criteria. Something similar happens in the area where I currently live. This topic is complex and requires effort to try to approach objectivity. Regards @ricestrela

 last month  

Thank you for your comment. This topic is, as you say, very complex but it is a subject that must be debated so that there is more and more awareness of everything the topic involves.