Grasshopper - Shy but Want ...Lol

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


Hello Hivers Community


Hello friends hiver, how are you today? I wish you well wherever you are.What you write today? Obviously, every day is always active in the community, our beloved hivers.

So some time ago I along with my brother @khairulfajri are cool to chat about visiting us in the end-the end of this and plan ahead in a community Hive, and then accidentally saw a grasshopper that is stray to our home page.

Without thinking of the one by one of us to wake up from my seat was in grasshopper that are stray. A little difficult indeed to approach it, because the grasshopper's afraid we catch him. Until a grasshopper fly to some place, our permanent chase and then approached him.

Funny grasshopper little shyly, whether it's because of our fear of thrusting the camera to his face or fear we will cook it. Lol.

Initially I thought it would not had to aim the camera because it is too afraid When we get to. But after a few moments, instead I see that exist in front of the camera. Even she is already I want to hold on to. Shame but that's what happened with a grasshopper.

Take a look at some of the images that I capture, there are a shame no one wants. Lol.












CameraNikon D5300 Lens Kit
 2 years ago  

good photography capture

 2 years ago  

Thank you @maulidar.
I see all your posts is also very nice.
Might be better than me.

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You really know how to capture nature in its purest form. This is good work, I'm glad I read it.
Thank you for sharing @rizkiavonna.
Feel free to join us on our Discord channel at

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much @bruno-kema.
You are very good in praise, I'm so ashamed. Whereas I'm just a newbie in holding the camera.

You are good with the camera @rizkiavonna, keep it up.
I look forward to seeing more from you.

 2 years ago  

Thank you @bruno-kema

 2 years ago  

The grasshopper image you shared is very beautiful

 2 years ago  

Your praise is too much, my friend. I often see your post and it's really great. Too far I live with your catch.

very good I really like these photos and I can quote with these photos.

 2 years ago  

Thank you @picssuf21

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