The in-built.

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Whenever I see or watch videos of people especially the younger ones displaying there several talents it makes me happy and wished that I could go back to being young again.

I believe everyone has an in built talent, it's like a follow come kind of thing that everyone has, but then most times discovering those talents is one thing that we find hard to achieve then we end up concluding that we have no talent. Having something positive in you that can be useful at some stage in life is one amazing gift, sometimes we don't even realize this gifts until we push ourselves then we discover something in us that has just being laying low and waiting for it to be triggered.

My parents used to tell me how as a child whenever I hear a sound or anything close to music I would always nod my head or try to move my body to the beat. I was a very happy baby, that everyone around would always want to carry me because they know that I hardly cry or even disturb, and then when I start to show signs of wanting to disturb all they need to do is play a loud music with good soundtrack. The only time music doesn't really work is when I'm really hungry and at that time I become everyone's worst baby because no amount of sound would end that cry at that moment.

So I started displaying my in built talent when I was still a baby but then i discovered and started showcasing my talent when I was about 4-5 years I discovered that I had a good talent in dancing, most times my friends were always envious of me because of the way I moved my body tremendously.

But presently for some reasons I don't dance that often as I used to I hardly even move my body to a beat though it's a talent I discovered at a very young age, but I couldn't use it as much as I thought I would.

Before I gave up on dancing I discovered just how good I was in acting. I started with church drama, most times I was amazed at how good I was and I honestly didn't see my self as someone that would enjoy acting.

Well so far I have decided to work on my acting talent and engage more in acting not just only at church but also in some short skits with my friends.

 2 years ago  

You're rolling from one awesome talent to another
But I really like dancers though, and would appreciate if I. Can see a video or two of you rocking those moves
Plus I'll love to view your skits if there's any already, just drop your social link so I'll hit ya up

Thanks allot for sharing 💕✌️❤️

 2 years ago  

wow this is awesome, only you; music, dancing and acting. You're really a master in so many field I guess. This three or even one of these are enough to make one very great in life. Sky is the starting point bro.