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RE: Self Denial, A Major Price For Success

in Hive Learners11 months ago

Sounds like you now have a healthy relationship with social media and Facebook specifically. When I found Hive, I very quickly lost interest in Facebook. I still pop on a couple of times a week to see if anyone I know has shared anything interesting or if family and friends living farther afield have shared photos etc but even then I am only online for a few minutes. I spend my online time primarily on Hive, Discord, and Whatsapp these days with a small circle of friends that mean the world to me. It's so much better this way !LUV

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.

 11 months ago  

Well, let me say a yes to the the first line.. I have a good relationship with Facebook and social media yet I am still cautious of the tendency to be addicted again..

I wish I could have your own kind of mind to just shun Facebook and concentrate on hive and discord where I can only discuss things that will spur me to grow

Thanks for the feed back