Pictures of some flowers and wildflowers were taken on my phone।।

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Hello friends.
I am Shanta.
How are you all? I hope you are well, I am well too.

Today I will share some beautiful natural pictures. I like flowers very much.
After all kinds of forest flowers, many of us make flower gardens as a hobby.
Today I will share with you some flowers in my garden and but wildflowers.
Let's not talk too much then.


There is no one who does not know the basil tree.
There are some beautiful flowers in it which we don't pay much attention to after a while. In fact, the flower is very beautiful basil tree is very useful to us.


Aparajita flowers,
The flower is very beautiful to look at and it looks very beautiful in front of the house. It is blooming in my garden.


The fragrant flower is so beautiful to look at that everyone knows it. The fragrance of this flower is very beautiful.


This is our special beneficial tree that helps us to make different colors in our hands.


And this is the forest flower. The weeds that were next to our house were the flowers of that tree.


And this flower is the green pepper flower.


I had a lot of green peppers in my garden. There were only two flowers left in the middle of it.


And I don't know the names of the three flowers that are here, but it is impossible to see.


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