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RE: My Hive Introductory post (set to explore!!)

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I can tell that you are an excellent writer my dear. Indeed med school is one hell of a stress. Though I applied for an MBBS program, I got Human Anatomy and up till my third year in med school, we carry the same burden with the med students. I admire your creativity and friendliness in taking out your time to create this post. I can't wait to read more of your stories and articles. Sure, you can't be on Hive without earning about Cryptocurrency in a way you never expected. Welcome to this awesome Community. See you around... 😌💯


That's right Sapphire hahaha. We are all together with most departments from Basic Medical Sciences until the third year, then we proceed with Dental Surgery students to level four. It's a pleasure dear and thanks for the welcome!

 2 years ago  

You're welcome doc