Ommatius the Predator!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Ommatius the Predator!

Hello Hive Learners and Friends!

Again and again, I want to share with friends all over the world about photography around my environment in Indonesia. I hope my friends are not bored with me and my posts. ^__^

-- Without you, all this would be meaningless.

This time I want to share about insects that perch on small dry twigs.

Scientifically this insect is called Ommatius.

Based on Wikipedia, it is said that this ommatius insect is a species of fly from the Asilidae family. In addition, this ommatius insect is also part of the genus Ommatius, order Diptera, class Insecta, phylum Arthropoda, and kingdom Animalia.

And as usual the afternoon is the right time for me to hunt for photography around where I live. As many people know, Indonesia is generally an agricultural country or a country whose climate is suitable for agriculture. Automatically between an agrarian country and an insect are two things that cannot be separated. Therefore, hunting for insects for photography in my opinion is not too difficult in this country, therefore many Indonesian friends choose insects as one of the interesting photography objects.

Apart from the things I mentioned above, the Ommatius insect is a type of predatory fly with a predatory instinct that is very sensitive to its main food, namely other insects.

Related to the above, the bushes become his favorite place to hunt for food. But the Ommatius I photographed is perched on a small dry twig or is stalking its prey?! I do not know.

So what exactly is an Ommatius fly? Well below I have prepared some other pictures in the hope that friends like it.

Always happy to share about nature around me and the things that are closest to me in the hope of giving something beautiful to all of my friends.
Stay grateful for the blessings of life today, whatever the shape and color.

Love, Seha76!


Beautiful photography, thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago  

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Yay! 🤗
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