The Smoke Behind That Hill!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

The Smoke Behind That Hill!

Hello Beauty of Creativity Community!

Again and again, I want to share with friends all over the world about photography around my environment in Indonesia. I hope my friends are not bored with me and my posts. ^__^

-- Without you, all this would be meaningless.

This time I want to share some pictures of the scenery that I took from the top of the hill towards the sea below.

The object of this shot is smoke from a factory by the sea which is known as a producer of coffers of money.

Smoke continues to rise into the sky and pollute the air around us. Precisely we live in an industrial area where air pollution and noise pollution and waste are really our concern here. But uniquely, even though we live in an industrial area, poverty is also very rampant here.

But in this post I'm not talking about the spider web of poverty. However, I want to share some photos of landscape photography from the top of the hill to the ocean far from the eye.

So that friends are not curious, here are some photos!

Always happy to share about nature around me and the things that are closest to me in the hope of giving something beautiful to all of my friends.
Stay grateful for the blessings of life today, whatever the shape and color.

Love, Seha76!