Nurturing a Child's Sense of Responsibility

in Hive Learnerslast month

Hello friends how are you all. I hope you are very well and healthy. Today I am back with a beautiful block. Today's blog is a challenging post from our beautiful community. I will try to create a nice blog hope you like the challenging post. The topic I will talk to you about today is A Child's Responsibility to try to make this beautiful block today. I hope to give you today's proper evaluation of this blog and present the beautiful blog in my own style.


I think that a child is initially born by his parents who work day and night to nurture and educate him. Thus, while a child's parents are worrying about him, that parent is busy checking on the other parent and taking care of the other parent. A parent does two things simultaneously. On the one hand, he is working day and night to raise his child. What will the child do and where will he be sent to study. How to educate him well. He thinks about it. On the other hand, those parents work day and night for their parents. How to keep parents well. How do parents fulfill their wishes? How to present the wishes of the parents beautifully. Try to think about it and present it in different ways.


Here you can see two sides of a man. On the one hand, parents are coping. Now our main issue today is whether it is the duty of a child to look after the elderly parents or when the child reaches a place when it becomes dependent. Will the responsibility of parents be correct? If I talk about it, I think there are many things I can and should say. A parent tries to bring up a child to the best of his/her ability. Money that parents earn throughout their lives. He tries to send a child to a proper education and a good place in return for money. A parent never wants his child to go to a bad place or get into a bad situation. He does not make any kind of situation about it. But of course, there are many children in our present society who do not look after their parents in their old age. Parents always tried to make their child human. But when the child comes to a good position. After earning good money, he forgets about his parents and still does not take responsibility towards his parents.


This is not correct at all. When a parent spends his whole life earning money to raise his child, it becomes difficult for him. But if the child cannot pay that price. And at a stage if the child doesn't take care of his parents, when the old age comes, where will the parents go, there will be no place for the parents except then or in the old age home, so of course, the responsibility of the parents should be taken by the children. I think every child should. When he comes to his proper position, then surely the wishes of the parents which they cannot fulfill, the wishes which they cannot fulfill, the wishes which they cannot fulfill, the wishes which they cannot fulfill, the wishes which they cannot fulfill, then a family will be a beauty in this world.


When parents get old. Then of course the child should take care of the parents. This is a very important point. In this I fully support and I fully believe. That every child should take this responsibility and despite the pain that the parents have done to bring up the child, when the parents grow old, their wishes, their food, their maintenance, their medical care, everything that they need is left to the child himself. Will try to go. I definitely think that when the child is young and older, when the child becomes independent, then the responsibility of the family must be taken.

When the child does not want to do these responsibilities for his parents. So he must remember, when he is old he will be old. Even then his children will do the same thing with him. In the same way, they will be thrown in the street like helpless. When you do something for someone, if that person doesn't do something for you, remember that there is a person waiting for them to do it for you.Another man is waiting to hurt him the way he has hurt him. Believe it or not, I generally believe that when you try to do something good for someone, you don't ask for anything in return, but if that person doesn't give you anything in return, you'll find that one day or another, that exchange has taken a huge toll on them.

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Parental responsibility of minors is very important

When parents become old. Then they have to love, cooperate, try to accommodate their needs.

When parents are old. Then it is very important to always keep good thoughts towards them because they need you to do everything with care

Parents must take care of children. Parents if you can take the right kind. Then you will get the wise advice from your parents. You won't find that anywhere else so of course parental care is very important.

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Also many things can be shared with you. I think of a child as a child with parental care. Taking parental responsibility is very important. If parental care cannot be taken. Then you can never succeed. Do you think that parents are raising children just to take care of them or to take care of them when you are older? It actually reflects on human humanity. How people think about it is the most important thing and if there is no love in this world then the world will be destroyed. Love is from parent to child love from parent to parent to child. If these characters are destroyed by work, then the world will end


Thank you all for your valuable time reading my blog