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RE: Dress for runaway

in Hive Learners10 months ago

O.O Yup #imsingle. I'm the opposite no wonder what I wear I'm not handsome :c. The mirror has told me the truth uwu.

Everytime my mom comes to visit from overseas she always buys me new clothes @_@not sure what other guys have about this experience. she doesn't manage my life though

Anyways great post O.O would've loved to see what your closet looked like

 10 months ago  

Hehe looks don't matter, what matter is the goodness of your heart ( mirror sympathies in this way nah🤣) your mom must be appreciated if she gives you such freedom otherwise few moms just rule out their kid's life ( even after adulthood are instructing them everything 😂)
Hmm my closet would be revealing it once I purchase new stuff 😂 (easy ways to waste money )

 10 months ago  

O.O deep down i think it does matter at least for me haha. I mean there has to be a certain physical attraction but idk that's jsut me. Yes my mom is good lol she gave me many opportunities when I was young. That's good reveal us your closet o.o. that's what we want to see