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RE: Maturity is an imaginary thoughts

in Hive Learnerslast month

From my perspective, maturity comes from the experience of a human. The more experienced one is, the more mature the person is

I agree and disagree at the same time for this. Experience does help gain maturity but that doesn't make a person more mature. I feel it's more towards the mindset since that determines how someone can interpret, learn from, and apply the experiences in their lives. We can get a ton of experience but if a person doesn't learn from it then it's really nothing. Of course I guess it also depends on the type of experience etc. its complicated I feel

 last month  

There are a lot of assumptions about it and you are also right because without learning a lesson experience is meaningless but most people learn from the experience and those people who don't learn lesson are exceptions.

 last month  

Ya it's ok haha there's definitely some that don't. I think my point is for maturity there's a lot more than just experience that plays a part. Experience is just a small part of it.