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RE: Your birthday should be a holiday! [EN/PT]

in Hive Learnerslast month

A holiday on your birthday should be adopted by the whole world!

Hey I wrote this as one of the days I think workers should have off too haha but I swear I didn't steal your idea :'). I wrote mine before reading anybody elses post on this topic. Anyways I totally agree with you. It's only one day a year as well companies should just give the employee the day off since there's some that already take leave on their birthday :3

 last month  

Alright haha, that would be a common idea for many people, it would be great to have a holiday on our birthday!

 last month  

Yes! it should be at least you can kinda feel that the company cares. If I had my own business, i would give peoples bday as a day off lol