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RE: I promise I'm not a bad person

in Hive Learners3 months ago

oh then onboard new people to hive O.O. There's a lot of people out there not knowing what they missing to change their life. Help bring them here and guide them to be successful. Take the initiative don't wait for the chance to come to you

 3 months ago  

Well I've tried that a number of times. Some Nigerians can be very impatient and want a place where they can start earning lots of money immediately without actually putting in the work. So when they come on here and notice that they have to engage, make posts and do all that just to thrive here, they quit.

 3 months ago  

that's kind of sad . then you have to find the ones that are more patient if not you're wasting your time as well. I think you are able to judge their personality and stuff plus you have your suggestive powers. use them to get them to do well on hive lol