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RE: Switching Between Multiple Jobs To Find your Dream Career

in Hive Learners8 days ago

whereas a career was more of a long-term endeavour that you work on not only because of the money but also because you are passionate of doing it

so can we be fulltime splinterlands players as a career one day :')? we are playing daily on scholar and passionate TT haha but in generali hope wwb3 gaming can be something more stable soon

 8 days ago  

Lol! its not just the scholar accounts, I'm also playing 3 alt accounts too but still my earnings are no where near the scholar whos playing the top 5 leaderboard accounts. Glint alone, on a single account he's earning 10x what I'm getting from the scholar account.

 8 days ago  

o.o damn didnt know u playin ghtat much saydie. ya that guy is another level. :/ we need to find new game to be pro at