My Life As A Writer

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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It's another new edition of @hivelearners community contest, and we're to talk about what writing is to us and how important it is to us in person.

Right from the onset, from my secondary school days I don't like writing, anything that concerns letter writing, essay writing I dislike it.
Up till the point when my friend invited me to join Hive and he told me it's was about blogging, I know within me that I won't do well at it because it's not my thing, which ushered me to the low result I got from my introduction post.

I was told to write a good content not less than 300 words but I just can't. I could not even write up to half, I wrote a content that was less than 150 words, as no idea was forthcoming, so I had to publish it like that.

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Then I made my first and second post, the result was more bad than my introduction post, I was discouraged to continue that I had to quit Hive. I taught and also concluded that Hive was not for me. So for a period of two weeks I was offline, I had forget about Hive, but thanks to my friend that inspired me again and told me some things to do that would make me have progress. I did just that and with time I fell in love with writing, now writing is very easy for me, to develop a content then was hell, I would spend hours thinking and thinking on what to write and how to write, but now within a couple of minutes am done with my content.

Now writing is part of me, it's what I can't do without... infact I would say am addicted to it. I now find it to be all fun, interesting and something I do wholeheartedly.

Writing has also made me to being a good thinker, and a good researcher. Now that am I a writer I think wide, I can now develop content on anything at all, any topic no matter how hard it can be am good to go.

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Moreso, on how important writing is to me.

Writing to me now is like a full time job. If not for Resource credit that won't allow me I can write as much as possible and also engage more on people's post, Lol. Maybe when I earn more resource credit won't be a barrier.
I don't joke with writing, I take it as my business and which must not collapse, so I will do anything to protect and make it grow on a daily.

Furthermore, writing is very important to me because it serve as a source of income for me, and I guess anything that put food on one's table can't be toiled with or taken with levity. so, I guide it judiciously.

Anyways am still learning and I wish to know more.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


My account was hacked yesterday! I just get it back my account. Do not click in any strange link! Thank you!

Keep on writing and learning brother.

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much boss. Sky is the starting point.

I can see you have the burning desire to write constantly. That is great. But then, as your hive power increases, your resource credit should also do so. You are doing a great job already.👍
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Yeah my resource credit do increase as my hive power increases, but I think what makes my RC go down often is the video I do upload.

Thanks so much for the encouragement... Am grateful.

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Great to hear that you are serious about your writing and will be growing daily that's for sure! Keep it up :) we are all learning and growing together here :)

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for your kind words... Am grateful.