How much sleep we need || If you do not sleep, no work is done properly.

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)
How much sleep we need
If you do not sleep, no work is done properly.



Sleep is something that is involved in the various functions of our body. It can be very inconvenient for us to do any work properly without sleep.So the need for sleep for our body is immense.Today I thought it necessary to talk a little about this subject. Let's get started.


How much sleep are we getting?



In this world of sophisticated technology, our sleep is greatly reduced.One of the reasons may be excessive workload and use of extra technology.In fact, we can't finish our work at the right time in the office because we have a lot of work pressure at this time, as a result of which we have to stay up late at night to finish the work.Moreover, social media and games have become so ingrained in our current youth that they do not have time to sleep.Social media and games have become so addictive that it is difficult to get them back. There are also some organizations where employees have to work at night and often do not get time to sleep during the day.


Harmful effects of insomnia



The ill effects of insomnia are explained to me by example The last few years I used to work in an organization Where he had to work at night, even during the day, he would suddenly get a call for work.Which is why I couldn't sleep properly for 3-4 hours.And during the day there is never a satisfying sleep like at night. That's how the six sleepless nights went. At one point I felt like I was starting to have various physical complications.At first my mood became irritable, I had severe gastric problems, loss of appetite and I could not remember anything.When the problem became more severe, I went to the doctor. He gave various tests. Not seeing all the problems due to sleep, my doctor told me to change jobs."If I can't sleep properly, the problem will never go away," he said.So I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right.So here I am discussing the harmful effects of not sleeping.


Ways to get out of trouble



If we want to be healthy then we have to sleep. Adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep. The amount of sleep is more in the case of children. We have to try hard to finish office work and get enough sleep at home. And the request to our youth society is that information technology and social media should not be abused You need to sleep at least at a certain time, otherwise you will suffer from long term illness.


✨ I am @shopnilhasan
💠 I'm like me💠



❤️ Good bye All ❤️

 2 years ago  

😅I'm guilty of not getting enough sleep as I spend alot of time online or working on my laptop. When I do need a break, I one online to finf inspiration

I should get enough sleep as your post suggest so I can stay healthy.
Love the post and timely too. My regards to you're lovely daughter and family. Great post my friend🤗🌸

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much ❤️
Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. 💖