Two assumptions for a dragonfly

in Hive Learners2 years ago

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Nature certainly has various things in every life in its shade. Every life will exist and remain under the umbrella of protection, whether in space or time. While the scope is said to be the environment of a habitat. With the formation of an environment under the comfort of an ecosystem in space and time, life is born without stopping for a second. So the activities that come from the habitat will never stop, either day or night. Call it the life of animals that inhabit every line of life, under the auspices of nature itself. To create a peaceful atmosphere, an ecosystem that continues to rotate without stopping is born.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

The presence of dragonflies can cover any deficiencies or can meet the needs of other living things, so it can be said that these small animals can really balance every ecosystem in their habitat.


In simple terms it can be said that if a dragonfly is in a habitat, it will automatically become food for every other animal, while other animals will also be hunted by their predators, while every predator, of course, will enter and still be in the scope of feed. They were all distributors of food for the animals, and it was obvious that they were all going to be a feed, and so on. So that the food wheel will continue to spin and be able to provide everything for the needs of every creature that lives in this nature.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

The dragonfly itself has an important role in a habitat, for example in rice fields, in the rice fields itself it is often seen that the wheels of the ecosystem continue to spin for a long time and will not stop. Dragonflies are called as balancing ecosystems in rice fields because they act here as predators, no exception whether they are in nymph form or in adult form. By nature, dragonflies always prey on various species of insects and other organisms, including insect pests of rice plants, which are enemies of farmers in a point where rice fields are located.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

Although often hunted by anthropods or yellow garden spiders, which nest in every weed plant, dragonflies are a favorite insect species for farmers. Why? Because its presence at every stop will continue to consume insects that are categorized as pests. Then why do anthropods often spread their nets over each plant shoot? Because the anthropod understands and rightfully does, because of the nature of the dragonfly itself, it often stands or stands still on every little branch that grows in its environment. So, when a dragonfly misjudges its footing, it sometimes gets caught in the net. Well, on the other hand, he is also often touted as a special feed provider for arthropods.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

Even though he is considered a master and cruel predator, he is also always the target of other animals who often like his meat. When me say that dragonflies are also victims of other animals, sometimes the question arises how can a reliable pilot also become a victim? It turns out that the anthropods are also smarter in trapping them in the way mentioned above.

So, based on the description above which tells about the dragonfly as a balancer of the ecosystem, whether it is a predator or a victim, it will also be hunted by other predators. It is inevitable that every animal that exists on this planet is inseparable from its advantages and disadvantages. These advantages and disadvantages will become a they as an indirect feed provider.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

Advantages of dragonflies

There are so many benefits of dragonflies when they are in a habitat or in a human environment, which is often seen in several locations. One of the many things that can be seen from dragonflies is that their presence in a habitat can be used as a bio-indicator for humans to detect the presence of healthy water.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

The dragonfly itself has a reason for choosing a location where water is located, the existence of a dragonfly in a river location or a location that has the potential for healthy water, just to lay eggs in the water, so he must ensure that the location has clean and healthy water, because later the little nymphs will lived in that location, for some time. So do not be surprised if the mother dragonfly has laid her eggs into the water, it can be concluded that the water is healthy, not mixed with pollution that is harmful to health.

If we understand its presence, then make sure it never destroys the work of humans, even its presence can help the survival of plants. Not the same as other insect species that fall into the category of pest groups. If he is in the rice fields it will always help the farmers in reducing the insect species that attack rice.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

If the dragonfly is near another environment, then the thaw in the nest for its young, is a reference that it has found a location for healthy water for health. So humans know that every water area has a nest of dragonflies, of course nymphs, so this is what is called a Bio-indicator.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

His character in this case is needed by humans. Or as an experience for you, if you are in a location that has a lot of water and see swarms of dragonflies dominate the area, make sure that the water location is free from nasty pollution that is bad for health.

Of course you already understand if you have read this writing, which involves the reluctance of the dragonfly character in every presence and life.

(¬Rhino Dragonfly, or Slender Insect Balancing Aquatic Ecosystems ®2022¬)

He gets the title as a helper for farmers, in the sense that he will hunt other insects that often damage crops. Other people's lives will be helped if they are often involved in every search to find a collection of healthy water, in this case called a bioindicator.

There are still many other things that are contained in the dragonfly character, sometimes not seen by our scientific insight and sometimes ignored by some scientific knowledge with benefits, but if we continue to explore the original character, it will be known to be excellent.

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Krue Seumangat!

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 2 years ago  

you take good pictures

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much @idayrus

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