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RE: Beyond Borders: Embracing Diversity while Upholding Tradition in India

in Hive Learnerslast month

It is a tradition typical of their culture, which I really admire.

In North America, I understand that children have to leave home and be independent, it is supposedly very frowned upon in that country to stay and live with their parents.

In Latin America, families are eminently dedicated to the mother and children, so the father is relegated or in some cases forgotten and ignored.

It is inevitable that with the tremendous amount of communication today, some customs will be influenced, in one way or another, for better or worse.
It's complicated, the implications and how it happens.

As a very wise man I knew said: "change is the only permanent thing."

 last month  

Totally agree with you sir, there are a lots of cultures all over the world, and everyone have there own believes.. I think we should took a good acte of our parents as they did for us when we were used to be a child. We should not forget how they have rased us.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Good day sir .

!giphy thank you so much