True story that happened in my city

in Hive Learners2 years ago



the riddle of life still occurs to this day for every living thing in the world which is referred to as human, human is a special creature that was once created by God, human also has millions of mysterious stories that have not been solved to this day, but some people who continue to search various sources to answer all the confusing questions in their brains, they do this with all their body and soul & full of hope.

every country in the world must have one or two mystical stories that are considered "true stories" and in certain cultures worship the relics of that amazing story, for me personally it is not very interesting to trace history even though it is a true story, I am more interested in discovering various stories around me that can be a source of inspiration for me, honestly I have gone through various things in life, I have seen various events that changed my point of view, previously I preferred to complain but in the end I am more self-aware to be grateful for the joy of life that I still have to this day.

Are you curious about the story that I will share with you today? let's go to see the amazing story, hope you can live this story, so you can get to the root of the story.

around 1985 in my city there was a construction entrepreneur with total assets estimated at $8 million, he ran his business with an attitude that did not please many people, he acted like a big boss, but actually it was legal, way of life, decisions, business, behavior and others belong to someone, but in certain cultures not all attitudes can be tolerated, we must respect culture, because we know that no one in this world can change a culture if cultural actors still live life in a monotonous way, I'm sure you understand what I mean.

I do not mention the entrepreneur name as a respect for privacy.

the entrepreneur has succeeded in building hundreds of rented houses, farm roads, and several highways in parts of the province, all the businesses that were running at the time seemed fine, but unlucky was not on the calendar which means bankruptcy no one can predict with certainty, so the entrepreneur continues to run his business with a big boss attitude that looks a little arrogant to someone else, he starts to be hated by some people then continues to some other people, a friend comes to warn the businessman to behave better, because he has heard rumors in in the midst of society, but unfortunately the businessman did not heed the warning given by his friend, he continued to do business with his attitude, maybe this is what is called "a person's character" which is difficult to change.

in 1985-1990 or the end of the 20th century, Indonesian society was not as modern as it is today, many residents, especially in my city, still practiced black magic, so people who hated these businessmen began to form associations to discuss what punishment should be given To this businessman, a terrible incident that has happened in my city.

the days continued, the entrepreneur continued to run his business, while the black magic association began to carry out its actions for the entrepreneur, around 1995 the entrepreneur fell ill with "coughing up blood" he was believed to be given "itching powder" in his coffee delivered by a genie, maybe this is difficult to understand because it is mystical, I myself find it difficult to understand how the genie works, but since that incident the businessman started coughing & sprinkling blood in the phlegm that was released.

since the entrepreneur fell ill, the business he was running began to stop slowly because there was no one to replace him, he was taken for treatment to Singapore, and the entrepreneur started selling some assets for treatment, and several other assets were abandoned in the wilderness, and in the end the businessman went bankrupt & died in 1998 in a poor state, (if you go hunting in the aceh forest, maybe you will find some old abandoned cars and they belong to the businessman i told you about).

This is a true story that is enshrined in the hearts of some people.

from the story of the construction entrepreneur I understand one thing, if we are at the top then some people are not happy & they will try their best to bring us down, but if our position is at the bottom then some people will ignore us and the rest will trying to step on our pride.

so if today you start to shine please make sure that your shield is strong so that not a single asshole can get close to you, leave the territory that hates you, forget all the assholes who have the potential to hurt you, they are not your friend, never feel guilty if you leave people of that type.

and the most important thing is to always be respectful to anyone, you will be the best in your city & all the people will be your shield, congratulations on being a good person & your day will always run smoothly and be successful.

thank you very much for visiting my blog, that's a little review about the real story in my city, sorry I can't write this story in more detail because my time & words are very limited, please understand, see you all in the next post.

 2 years ago  

Oh my!
What a sad way to go.

 2 years ago  

yeah right, that's way sad for a lot of people

 2 years ago  

Being proud is not good at all, the man made himself to be hated by many.

On our part, we need to assist as many as we can because that can speak in our own times that what i have learnt from this story

 2 years ago  

you are right, from this story we can learn to motivate ourselves every day to be good men & be loved by many people

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 2 years ago  

Im fine & thanks very much for support ❤️